Moderator 11
Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:21 am Comment:
Lee, would you do us a favour and do these few things please?
1) look up what the word "fact" means
2) stop pasting extremist articles onto here
3) remember that this is a DIY website
(n.) An effect produced or achieved; anything done or that comes to pass; an act; an event; a circumstance.
(n.) A doing, making, or preparing.
(n.) The assertion or statement of a thing done or existing; sometimes, even when false, improperly put, by a transfer of meaning, for the thing done, or supposed to be done; a thing supposed or asserted to be done; as, history abounds with false facts.
(n.) Reality; actuality; truth; as, he, in fact, excelled all the rest; the fact is, he was beaten.
If the OP have an interest in discussing these stories then why do you have the right to stop us, this is of course "General Discussion" and not "What I Decide You Can Talk About", and you call them extremist? Have you even read any of them, I bet 90% of the OP on here don't believe anything the US Government is saying regarding the death of OBL so why can't we talk about what instead could be happening
Can I post Obama's speech instead, do you consider that to be "FACT"
I am fully aware this is a DIY Site and that is why I post all of my DIY questions in their relevant sections, ie. PC related goes in "Computers - Hardware" or "Computers - Software", are we now re-writing the rules
Can only "Generel Discussion about DIY in general be discussed"