Buying a new torch for walking dog over fields at night, have to spot foxes before he does! Some torches mention using 14500 battery for a stronger beam, have not the faintest idea what these are! Have just bought a new battery charger for AA and AAA batteries that I have been using on present torches. Will I need to buy a different charger for the 14500 batteries?
Any info., recommendations if allowed here, on dog walking torches most welcome! Thanks very much! Always a wealth of info. here!
Buying a new torch for walking dog over fields at night, have to spot foxes before he does! Some torches mention using 14500 battery for a stronger beam, have not the faintest idea what these are! Have just bought a new battery charger for AA and AAA batteries that I have been using on present torches. Will I need to buy a different charger for the 14500 batteries?
Any info., recommendations if allowed here, on dog walking torches most welcome! Thanks very much! Always a wealth of info. here!