1st July

pjholybloke said:
Eddie M said:
No, you can't smoke in a company vehicle that might be used by other employee, regardless of whether or not they smoke.

:eek: :!: :!: :!:

So where does that leave me if I'm giving one of my subbies a lift to a job?

If it's a company vehicle, up the swanny I'm afraid, no smoking !
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Single-driver company cars escape smoking ban
22nd May 2006

The Government has promised not to ban smoking in company cars when its new Health Bill comes into force in 2007. But vehicles used by more than one worker or as a ‘place of work’, such as a delivery van, will come under the law banning smoking from public places.

Speaking at a House of Lords committee discussion on the Health Bill, Lord Warner, Labour peer and Minister of State for the Department of Health, said: ‘We do not intend to prohibit smoking in all company cars. Where that car is used by only that person for work purposes, it would not be required to be smoke-free. Vehicles used as a place of work or business vehicles, such as delivery vans and post vans, will be smoke-free unless the vehicle is only ever used by and owned by one person.

Critics of the Bill have suggested such regulations are confusing and unenforceable, pointing to an attempt to ban smoking from company vehicles in California which failed because of a lack of clarity over which vehicles came under the law.
re: asthma attacks, they can be triggered by many things including housedust, pollen, cats etc. but I think when put into perspective, smoking (inc. passive) has done a lot more harm to asthmatics than a drop of old spice.
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koff, koff, koff, wheeze, gasp, koff koff, you're right

One of my old friends was a heavy smoker (now dead) and he thought that I constantly coughed.

In fact, he constantly smoked, so whenever he was near me, I was coughing.
Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but now pubs are smoke free I've started noticing how much the customers stink. Dirty bast**ds !!
Eddie M said:
Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but now pubs are smoke free I've started noticing how much the customers stink. Dirty bast**ds !!
I work in a shop. Most customers smell of smoke. It really is the plague of modern life. :LOL: Why do people start doing it? I mean, what draws them to smoking? Do they wake up one morning and go "oh i know i'll start smoking today and endure a life of smelly clothes and no money"
Crafty said:
[ Why do people start doing it? I mean, what draws them to smoking? Do they wake up one morning and go "oh i know i'll start smoking today and endure a life of smelly clothes and no money"

kids trying to be like their parents or peers, probably in an attempt to be more grown up.

only, nicotine is addictive.
When they're aged 12, they think it looks cool.

It is essential to the manufacturers to keep recruiting a constant stream of young addicts, because

1) they will probably be users for life, and any children they have will tend to consider it normal grown-up behaviour

2) the product keeps killing the customers, so new ones are needed to keep up the numbers.
In my schooldays it was the done thing to have a fag behind the bike sheds... Now they go for a sh.a.g.... :LOL:

Reckon they should Ban selling tabbaco products and string up any people that sell them.... erm crafty do you sell em in your store ?.... :evil:
confident, thats taking it a bit too far. if i had my way i wouldnt sell cigarettes. i'm not in charge though, and i can understand why we sell them, 30% of the customers come in just for fags, but buy something else too!
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