2 damp patches on wall

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My chimney was completely boarded up no vent, could this be cause..2 damp parts either side of chimney. I have swept out middle it was damp at first.


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Borded behind this fire place no air


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1. Has the flue been swept?
2. Are there pots on the chimney stack - a pot will usually vent the top of the flue?
You need bottom & top venting in a redundant flue?
3. The damp patches could be caused by Hygroscopic chemicals moving out from the flue?
4, Or they could be as a result of rising damp?
5. Air bricks should be below the FFL or they are useless.
6. Hack off all damp looking areas of plaster back to brick - make good with sand & lime render.
7. Some of the moisture showing in the pics might be coming from the fender wall infill below the hearth?
8. FWIW: why not search some of my previous posts on damp issues & chimney flues?
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It used to be old council gas fire. There is a cowl on roof as it blew off one winter and it's been put back. I've opened up a few vents in house which had been covered over and also vented the fireplace now.

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