Thanks Sparks123 and Electrifying. I guess our training was based around new instals rather than a PIR hence why it was used. Having said that i gather from talking to people and many posts on here
a domestic is very unlikely to have the EIC or alteration certs
On the GN3 I am trying to get hold of a copy, second hand as like a lot of people nowadays money is tight. Thanks for the offer of typing it out (the section not the whole book!!) and if its not too much effort that would be great, if its a lot of work dont worry i
will be getting a copy it seems pretty essential.
Unfortunately, this is so true.
It's a judgement call then on what further tests are required and how much sampling to apply.
You also need to increase the level of inspection and tests if faults/problems are found.
The recommended tests on pg73 (Table3.3) are as follows:
Protective Conductors Continuity
Between earth terminal of distribution boards and the following exposed conductive parts..
socket outlet earth connections.
accesible exposed conductive parts of current using equipment.
Bonding conductors continuity
All protective bonding conductors.
All necessary supplementary bonding conductors.
Ring Circuit Continuity
Where there are proper records of previous test, this test may not be necessary.
The test should be carried out where inspection/documentation indicates there have been changes made to the ring final circuit.
Insulation Resistance
Between Live conductors (with Line/s and Neutral connected together) and earth, at all final distribution boards.
At main and sub-main distribution panels, with final circuit distribution boards isolated from mains.
All the following positions:
Origin of installation.
Distribution boards.
Accessible socket outlets.
Extremity of radial circuits.
Earth Electrode Resistance
Test each rod or group of rods seperately, with test links removed and installation isolated from the supply.
Earth fault loop impedance
At the following positions
Origin of installation.
Distribution boards.
Accessible socket outlets.
Extremity of radial circuits.
Functional tests
Test as per regulation 612.13.1, then operate test button.
Manual operation of all other devices.
The table is then followed by these notes:
1. The person carrying out the testing is required to decide which of the above tests are appropriate by using their experience and knowledge of the installation being inspected and by consulting any available records.
2. Where sampling is applied, the percentage used is at the discretion of the tester. However, a percentage of less than 10% is inadvisable.
3. The tests need not be carried out in the order shown in the table.
4. The earth fault loop impedance test may be used to confirm continuity of protective conductors at socket outlets and at accessible exposed conductive parts of current using equipment and accessories.
5. Generally, accessibility may be considered to be within 3 m from the floor or from where a person can stand.
6. Where the circuit includes surge protective devices (SPDs) or other electronic devices which require a connection to earth for functional purposes, these devices will require disconnecting.
7. Where there are proper records of previous tests, this test may not be necessary.
8. Some earth loop impedance testers may trip RCDs in the circuit.
Hope that's helpfull, mate.