48 hour week

All quite interesting. When I left industry near 2 yrs ago, the company was not, in all areas, paying overtime rates --- Asking, but actually instructing, employees to take time in lieu, but at 'single time' only .. hence virtually no one worked O/T in those areas.
Staff should be wise about signing up to anything - It is not usually to their benefit.
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PowerTool said:
Salaried drivers in the NorthEast UK on about 24-25k for 55 hrs (based on 5 x 11 hour days).Hourly rate for chemical tanker drivers is about £7
Spot on and the company I work for are insisting that the HGV driver's do not work more than 48 hrs per week on average, so in theory they will be losing approximately 8-10 hrs per week (£80+ per week) and this is why we are losing HGV drivers, let alone the 176,000 HGV driver shortage in the UK. The only way to make the 48 hrs system works to take on more driver's and give them a pay rise to make up the short fall which they won't do ! Sadly they will be advertising for HGV driver from abroad, we already has 2 spanish HVG driver's put the wrong petrol grade at the forecourt because of lack of English communication which cost the company over £15,000 to put it right. This government has messed up.
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