5.3 Billion how many of you are guilty

Why would I need a new phone?

I bought my Nokia 6100 in 2007 - second hand. In those 18 years, it's had a couple of new batteries, but apart from that it's not missed a beat. It regularly gets ridiculed, but it texts and does calls - what more do you need? So basic, it doesn't even have a camera.

These smart(dumb) phones are way too complex and demand far too much time and attention from the often zombified owners. I'm regularly shouting "wakey, wakey!!" at mainly young people who are so fixated on their 25,000 Facebook followers on their latest iPhone that they don't notice others walking along the pavement towards them. :rolleyes:
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That doesn’t surprise me. About 20 years ago, I bought a couple of Flatscreen Dell PC monitors. They lasted about 3 or 4 years and within a week, they both went pop and bang and stopped working. I've always suspected they were programmed to do that.

Touch wood, I seem to have good luck with tech and vehicles. I bought my LG Flatron screen for my desktop in 2007 and I'm still using it right now. Though I did once have to replace it's seperate transformer/power supply (£20) that's on the mains cable - but the screen is as new.

In fact, thinking about it I bought my Scudo van in 2007 as well when I started working for myself - and I still drive that too.

Lucky, or just tight as a gnat's chuff. ;)
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I cleared out a drawer of about a dozen old mobiles last year. Bunged them on ebay as people always want old phones. When I did some boot sales, people would come up and ask the question- "Have you got any coins/mobiles/trainers?" usually in that order.
I have a collection of classic mobiles, all the ones I used to have, some of them worth a few quid too - original iPhone with matching numbers box, Motorola 8000 (brand new and boxed), some European 8000's that still work as they were the very first digital versions before they ceased production, a Motorola 1000 international transportable (class 2, very powerful) that will still work as it takes a full size SIM card, NEC 9A, some Motorola startac's, Motorola 4500 transportable, Mobira Cityman 1320, Mitsubishi Roamer, plus many, many more. Feck knows why I collected them, I don't even look at them any more. I keep thinking about digging them out of the loft and putting them on eBay and one day I will.
Not guilty. I think since mobile phones became a thing for the masses, I'm now on my third which I've had since 2021 with no plans to change.

I often think it's a good job (because of our consumerist / need for growth economy) not everyone's like me. My winter shoes are around 15 years old, my winter coat the same. I think of my current trainers as new, probably had them around 8 years. I'm wearing pants and socks that are years old, t-shirts jeans etc the same. Telly 14 years old. Car 17 years old. On the DIY front, have many tools I've been using for close to 30 years. I only recently got my first cordless tool (a drill) having managed fine with the old faithful corded B&D.

Our throwaway society is getting worse.
We have an economy that relies on consumption and a population happy to put themselves into debt to consume.

I'm typing this on a iPhone 8, still works fine and does all the tasks smoothly the camera is decent too.

Mostly, I see young people holding the new techy phones just because of showing off or they have a competition with their friends and whoever has the newest phone makes them "cooler".
We have an economy that relies on consumption and a population happy to put themselves into debt to consume.

I'm typing this on a iPhone 8, still works fine and does all the tasks smoothly the camera is decent too.

Mostly, I see young people holding the new techy phones just because of showing off or they have a competition with their friends and whoever has the newest phone makes them "cooler".
Tis the same with many new cars. More and more like mobile devices, designed to be replaced after a few years.

Yes we have to be careful and not look back with rose tinted glasses i.e. there have always been goods/services that are rubbish. However generally, if you bought a half decent product years back it would last year in year out.
i laugh at the young and not so young 1000 quid plus phones and they leave them laying about pubs on tables /bandits etc charging no where near them .
I used 20 quid nokias they done exactly what i need them to do phone and text only moved to smart phone 2 years ago which wont be getting changed till it smashes or drowns
My winter shoes are around 15 years old, my winter coat the same. I think of my current trainers as new, probably had them around 8 years. I'm wearing pants and socks that are years old, t-shirts jeans etc the same. Telly 14 years old. Car 17 years old. On the DIY front, have many tools I've been using for close to 30 years. I only recently got my first cordless tool (a drill) having managed fine with the old faithful corded B&D.

Our throwaway society is getting worse.

Jeez! You're as tight as me. :LOL:

I used to regularly by tour t-shirts for concerts I went to along with regularly buying other new clothes. Then one day I realised that I had more clothes than I could use in 3 lifetimes. So now I don't buy any, I'm just working my way through the clothes I have - some never worn.

As for long lasting electrical goods, I still use the Sony Digicube clock radio my father bought me for Xmas 1981. It's been plugged in and in continuous use now for 43 years. Still keeps perfect time. Don't make them like they used to.
I need a new phone, probably a £100 second hand middling smartphone, the nicking of which wouldn't matter much.
My regular phone has access to too many things. Small chance of loss I know, but....
As for long lasting electrical goods, I still use the Sony Digicube clock radio my father bought me for Xmas 1981.
I’m behind you on that but not by much!

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