A bit of common sense...

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Ignoring the fact that you can't sit in the park and watch people die at Kings in London, if you recall, your story from last year was based in Cornwall.
King’s College Hospital in south London is in the process of building a state-of-the-art 60-bed Critical Care Centre which, when added to the existing Critical Care wards at the Trust, will be the largest and most progressive of its kind in the UK.

The new £100m unit will open in two stages: the first in summer 2018 and the second in early 2020, and will bring the total number of critical care beds at the Trust to over 120.

Feedback from patients who have been treated in critical care has been incorporated into the new centre. The innovative design will not only comprise the latest technology over two floors but will also focus on space and light. The building will have floor to ceiling windows overlooking Ruskin Park.
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The building will have floor to ceiling windows overlooking Ruskin Park.

Well done for copying pasting this

"overlooking Ruskin Park". This is not the same as a park overlooking the ICU.

When an aeroplane flies over, passengers can see the ground. People on the ground can't see the passengers.

Just stop and think for a moment - do you really think that we'd build ICU units that people can sit and watch from a park? Or a Cornish hospital reception, for that matter?

Here is a starting point for you to do some research into the reality of the hospital you claimed has ICU wards that can be seen by the public

Kings College Hospital has 5 Critical Care Units (CCUs); four for adults and one for children:

Each CCU is made up of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), for patients who need the most monitoring and care, and a High Dependency Unit (HDU), for patients who need less monitoring.

Active links to details of the wards can be found here https://www.kch.nhs.uk/patientsvisitors/patients/critical-care-patients
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Here is a starting point for you to do some research into the reality of the hospital you claimed has ICU wards that can be seen by the public

Kings College Hospital has 5 Critical Care Units (CCUs); four for adults and one for children:

Each CCU is made up of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), for patients who need the most monitoring and care, and a High Dependency Unit (HDU), for patients who need less monitoring.

Active links to details of the words can be found here https://www.kch.nhs.uk/patientsvisitors/patients/critical-care-patients
I’ve done my research thanks.
Mine was taken from the kings college hospital website .
So are you implying that they are lying?
So where in your information that you provided does it disprove what I said regarding overlooking a park?
So, were you on some grassy knoll or a book depository when you saw this Covid ward that was unoccupied?
I’ve done my research thanks.
Mine was taken from the kings college hospital website .
So are you implying that they are lying?

No, just that you totally misinterpreted what is written here

and used it to make false claims about the severity of covid, while at the same time deflecting from the issue, which is you previously claiming that a covid ward in Cornwall was empty when the hospital, and reporters, said it was full, as you knew it was empty because you could see it from near the entrance of the hospital

Go and read over your previous stories to remind yourself of what you wrote.
You still havnt told us why you changed your name to the initials of my username?

LOL. Yeah John, I changed it while thinking of you! I want to be just like you!

Anyway, to answer your question (so you don't accuse me of not doing so) nobody has ever asked, but if you must know, they are my initials too. I got fed up with my long silly name (which incidentally was inspired by Django Reinhardt) that allowed me to be a more incognito while discussing a personal matter.

Here's our song, John!

People on the second floor of the hospital may be able to overlook the park, but can the people in the park see into the rooms on the second floor of the hospital.
Could have sworn it said it stretches over two floors but hey ho .
Let’s not clutch at straws hey
This is not that plumber bloke from Leeds that claims to be based in Cornwall where he saw all those empty Covid wards is it? I have him on ignore so I can’t see the shyte he posts. No mention of Cornwall in the link he put up about his do-gooding heroic ways.

Oh look I’m in cornwall
Nope I’m not in maudlin.
Not that far from me though but that’s all your getting as mottie the stalker has returned and he is frothing at the mouth as he gets nearer to my whereabouts.
(Hence why he got a previous ticking off from the mods for stalking me)

It’s a lovely part of the country, I’ve stayed in Bodinnick and been to Fowey, Polperro, Looe are all lovely and a tad less touristy than the North coast around Padstow.
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