A bit of news from our near neighbours

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Just about sums it up . . . . . .

"elites using green policies to trample on the rights of individuals"
Just about sums it up . . . . . .

"elites using green policies to trample on the rights of individuals"
Not really.
More like people grappling with the big picture trying to get the "entitled" little people not to literally shít in their own back yards so much because it affects everyone.
While far bigger/worse happens in China.....

The world's buggered.
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So the dutch farmers are gullible scum and should take it up the trumper, got yer.
So the dutch farmers are gullible scum and should take it up the trumper, got yer.
You read it a bit orff- some are gullible, and some are scum. But yes some are both. Like Trump, obviously ;) And Andrew Lawrence.
The farmers are deceiving themselves. Easily persuaded perhaps which makes them the former.
It's a very multi-faceted matter. They only see one facet.

Their boss - the EU - told them they were polluting too much and gave them some time (2 yrs?) to sort it , but they seem to have assumed the allowance (derogation of the rules) would run forever. Iirc that started mid last decade.
It'a somewhat analogous to a coal fired power station operator only wanting to be judged by what power it produces.

Nitrates and phosphates do damage, which the farmers think is someone else's problem to pay for.
They (NL f) have been battling to have high intensity production - dairy, really, for years. Long story short and simplified, it makes the land toxic.
Development for housing gets squashed too.

Solutions like killing hundreds of cows don't go down well. There are other ways, like GM grass and local treatment, but ooooh they cost money.
Meanwhile, as #3, the Chinese just pollute away.
Let's patronize the dutch farmers cos they're thick and don't have your towering intellect then.
It wouldn't have occurred to them let's come up with some proposals to see if we can come up with a solution. Bit forlorn when the governments solution being there isn't one, yer havin it.
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