A case of Newcastle's disease in Surrey.

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Doonthatoonitis? Or is this some condition of ringing in the ears after a "Geordie Handshake" to the head? :D

Not sure what this is about, I'm lost! But, as a Surreyite I grew up amongst people who insisted that Geordies refer to Newcastle Brown Ale as "Newky Brown"... which makes as much sense as people from Cornwall referring to Cornish pasties. I've only ever heard Geordies call it "Broon", myself.
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The answer lies between the :?: 's in the lead post ... Just testing colours !!
;) :D :D
The affected chicks are just two weeks old and were imported from France a fortnight ago

Seeing as the pheasants came from France, I've just had a quick search of Le Figaro's website. Searches for "faisan" (pheasant), "poulet" (chicke) "Newcastle", "Surrey" or "volaille" (poultry) turned up nothing.

I'm pretty sure that if an infected British animal showed up in France we would never hear the end of it! Yet this doesn't even make the archives of their leading national newspaper :LOL:
Well that`s buggred my project to build a`en `ouse :(