Alzheimer's disease

I have two cousins whose mothers both developed Parkinsons and then Dementia.

Terrible diseases, and as has been said before a very 'long goodbye'...

One had a pot of money, and lingered around for a long time.
The total cost to her was in the region of £450k before she got down to the paltry amount you are allowed to have before you don't have to pay.

The other had virtually nothing, and thus paid nothing!

So if you cannot pay -then who steps in? Local Council?
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County Council I think, my in laws are receiving care at home Mil gets it free, Fil has to pay CC but he gets reduction on council tax so that balances out
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So if you cannot pay -then who steps in? Local Council?
Yep, local council..

Only they've had their budgets slashed and the so called 'social care precept' (council tax increase) only covers a small amount of the shortfall...

So it's 'slash and burn' as far as other public service departments are concerned!

Edit: The UK is starting to go down the route of swingeing measures as regards 'retrieving' care costs...

For example, I would have thought that most people realise that the cut off point for inheritance tax after which you pay nothing if the benefactor is still alive is zero...

But I wonder how many realise that if there are any care costs involved, then the cut off point is 14 years!

A parting gift from Gideon btw!
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