OK you are obviously unable to sit in front of a webcam and play music.
Never mind, mate. The challenge stands whenever you feel brave enough.
It could have been fun, you could have chosen something pretty awkward like that riff off 'Child o' mine' ya know that string skipping thing or something that ties your head up like trying to play the Stevie Wonder's 'Superstition' riff while singing the melody. Anything you like really. I'm not fussy.
Sadly you won't enter into the spirit of things, but the offer is always open if you do.
You can do a 'Buckethead' if you like and wear a mask.
You've got no excuse really, other than you are a semi-pro and I'm an amateur and you daren't risk getting your ass kicked.
Never mind, let me know when you feel up to a genuine challenge.