Hiya Folks,
Notwithstanding all the issues regarding integrating a woodburner with back boiler into a vented system I have a simple question if anyone could help please.
I have a spare copper cylinder lying around so was toying with the idea of using the woodburner to heat the whole tank ie flow in at the top and return out the bottom (thermal store?), and running the oil boiler return pipework through the single coil to preheat it thereby making the boiler fire less - using less oil.
Will it actually pick up enough heat from the cylinder in the rather short journey through the tank?
Regards, Flash
Notwithstanding all the issues regarding integrating a woodburner with back boiler into a vented system I have a simple question if anyone could help please.
I have a spare copper cylinder lying around so was toying with the idea of using the woodburner to heat the whole tank ie flow in at the top and return out the bottom (thermal store?), and running the oil boiler return pipework through the single coil to preheat it thereby making the boiler fire less - using less oil.
Will it actually pick up enough heat from the cylinder in the rather short journey through the tank?
Regards, Flash