Abacus is back

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Sounds like she wont be allowed to stand and will receive a peerage.
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Come on JohnD Nonsall etc have a fking ounce of credibility yourself and admit thats a master 'stroker' of a stupid move to bring her back.
Why specifically. Are you thinking it will raise the issue of anti semitism again? Or just because she is hated so much by certain right wing elements.
Don’t quite see why they kicked her out in the first place tbh what she said was no big deal imo

Apparently she was cleared in October last year :giggle:

Jeez us let’s hope a labour government can deal with issues a bit quicker than that :giggle:
Why specifically. Are you thinking it will raise the issue of anti semitism again? Or just because she is hated so much by certain right wing elements.

Nothing to do with antisemitism (I didn't think it was anyway, she just wanted to prioritise racism against blacks, lost all respect for her when she sent her son to private school to remove him from the influence of black gangs, funnily enough, I think he still ended up behind bars.)

Anyway, for whatever reason, Keir doesn't see her as an asset, on the other hand, she's been an MP for nearly 40 years, chuck her a peerage and move on.
This one is going to get interesting
For whom?
Not those that had already decided to vote Labour and not those that have decided not to vote for the Cons.
Seems the only people it has got excited are the DIYnot RWR faithful.

Knicker wetting Schmucks.
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