For once I agree with Joe. Qatada and his family have been a great burden on the taxpayer. Now let's send his family to him (after all , he must be missing them. It's the human thing to do.)
If there is any divine justice on this planet, his legal team and human rights advisors will be tortured.Qatada left with an entourage of his legal team and Human Rights advisors, so torture would be out of the question as this case is going to be on the world stage,
IMO this will be a "puppet" court verdict and he will be given a Royal Pardon.
Which will enable him to legally return to this Country because his familly is here.
An immutable fact which we like to forget is that him and his like would not be actively attacking or seeking to attack The West, and we would not be having this problem or conversation, if it were not for our interference and invasion of them and their country in the first damn place!
My last post was removed (no surprises really). However, he won't be back on these shores, regardless of how you view bad pennies turning up.He'll be back, mark my words.
The world knows that this country is an easy touch and always will be.