I have accenta G4 unit in garage, key panel in house, few contact sensors and three PIRs.
Had a kitchen fault other day so alarm wouldn't arm. Quickly checking the systems indicates the contact sensors are fine. It looks to be all the PIRs which are dead as there is no red light.
Checking the board I noticed F2 fuse(speaker although one isnt fitted) was blown all others were fine.
So I have disconnected the 12v to the PIRs and replaced fuse. Everything ok no blown fuses. I then disconnected the 12v supply at the all three PIRs and reconnected the cables in the G4 panel. Again fuse ok. I tested 12v on all wires to the PIRs. I then connected the 12v back into each PIR seperatly. First was fine and measured 12v when connected. Second one dropped to ~2v and third one blew the fuse.
So I'm assuming there is a short fault with third one but I'm not sure what the second sensor result is telling me. Are they both faulty? Or/and am I'm doing this all wrong and misleading myself testing like this?
Had a kitchen fault other day so alarm wouldn't arm. Quickly checking the systems indicates the contact sensors are fine. It looks to be all the PIRs which are dead as there is no red light.
Checking the board I noticed F2 fuse(speaker although one isnt fitted) was blown all others were fine.
So I have disconnected the 12v to the PIRs and replaced fuse. Everything ok no blown fuses. I then disconnected the 12v supply at the all three PIRs and reconnected the cables in the G4 panel. Again fuse ok. I tested 12v on all wires to the PIRs. I then connected the 12v back into each PIR seperatly. First was fine and measured 12v when connected. Second one dropped to ~2v and third one blew the fuse.
So I'm assuming there is a short fault with third one but I'm not sure what the second sensor result is telling me. Are they both faulty? Or/and am I'm doing this all wrong and misleading myself testing like this?