Trouble is, I suspect most of us "joe bloggs" that do actually talk to LABC & comply are most likely to be the ones that are also conscientous & competant (small c) enough to do the job safely. I'd bet that the people doing jobs (either DIY or ... charging...) that are done in a dangerous way are the same people that dont give a fig about LABC & Part P or other laws. Yes, I know they are breaking the law etc,...If joe bloggs does involve his LABC, and they find that joe has installed his new circuit in a way which could kill his 4 year old daughter, and the inspection process prevents this happening, does the cost of £125 still seem unreasonable?
In a similar position to the OP, I dont actually mind notification, but I do mind that even the smallest notifiable jobs attract a stiff charge (though, to be fair, that charge may be the same for a much bigger job). So I like the idea rfom Chris J (3rd post in the field), though no-one has commented if they thing it would be a go-er....