Adding Fernox to pressure system

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I had a need to drain my new pressurised system to re position rads. I thought that I would be able to put new Fenox in via the filling loop with a funnel. Finished with more missing the system than going into it. Is there any easier way?
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Thanks for that Kev, unfortunatly already bought a litre, but if no other ideas come 4ward, then thats what I will do.
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I have been advised in the past that a sealed pressurised system does not require any additives as the lack of oxygen will prevent any corrosion, what is the view of people here? :?:
Diyisfun - I have just replaced a couple of rads and filled up with Fernox using the cartridge applied through a vent. Next time I need to add Fernox though, I'm going to try using the bottled stuff and doing the following :idea:

1. Choose a suitable rad to apply the Fernox (could get messy!)
2. Close both valves
3. Open the vent
4. Remove the plug (from the other top corner of the rad)
5. Syphon off 1 litre
6. Add the Fernox through the vent or through the plug via a tube

I'm a complete novice though, so can any of the experts please comment as to whether this will work:?:

I can't see why not, and since the cartridges are about a tenner a pop more than the bottles, I reckon it's worth a go :)

Sure it'll work. You don't need to siphon the water out, you can just undo a rad union a bit and let it dribble out.

Easiest "rads" to add it into are ladder style towel rails which have vertical bungs.

One "pro" way if you do a few is to put a tank connector and bit of pipe into the lid of a bottle - just transfer the lid to the next new bottle. Makes it a lot easier.

Real plumbers have hydraulic pressure testers so can squirt the stuff in through the filling loop, pressure relief pipe - or anywhere handy.
Thanks Chris.

To make the filling easier, I kept the old cartridge with the tube that screws into the vent, and I've taken out the plastic bit that gets pushed up to the front, so I'll use it as a funnel. I'm undecided whether this is recycling genius :D or cheap as chips :oops:

Since it will screw into the vent, I figured it would be almost "air tight", which is why I'd need to undo the plug opposite the vent to let air out and Fernox in, so I was syphoning out of the plug rather than undoing a union - if it ain't broke, I'm still reluctant to undo it!
I bought a dosing pot that allows me to insert leak sealer in the system with in a minute.

I have used in about 100 times over the past year, Its has paid for its self a long time ago.

If you want one call liam on 07765203606 they are about £29.00.

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