If the design load is 32A then, at a tabulated (Table 6F in OSG, p.126) volt drop of 11 mV/A/m and an allowable maximum of 9.2V you can use up to 26m before correcting for temperature. At this length the (R1 + R2) of that circuit would be 0.31 ohms (Table 9A, p.158 and assuming good connections). For a 32A, Type B, BS60898 MCB, the maximum (temperature-corrected) Zs to meet disconnection times is 1.2 ohms, so, as long as your Ze is less than 0.9, you'd be sorted.
But I have to point out that the idea of working out how long a cable you can use for a particular MCB/fuse is a*se about face. You calculate your design load first.
Then you select a protective device. You next calculate the required current-carrying capacity of the cable depending on conditions and select your cable to suit.
Then you check that the voltage drop is within tolerance (4%) and if not, you select a higher rated cable.
Then you calculate Zs and if it's acceptable you finally check that the chosen circuit protective conductor is capable of carrying the prospective fault current.
Easy, really!