admits leaking Kelly's name

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
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There we go then .. just when they think it's all over ...

..Mr Blair has repeatedly denied being responsible for leaking the name. He has insisted the Ministry of Defence merely confirmed Dr Kelly's name when it was already known to journalists.
But in his BBC interview with Jeremy Paxman on Wednesday, Mr Blair said for the first time the Government had been responsible for disclosing Dr Kelly's name. "[His death] was a terrible, terrible thing to have happened. I don't believe we had any option but to disclose his name, because I think had we failed to do so, that would have been seen as attempting to conceal something from the committee that was looking into this at the time."
Tis not the fact that you did .. more the fact that you repeatedly denied having done so ... We at street level, have a word for that ... It is not nice ... No wonder you have aged, rather you than me old son !! The halcyon days are over - even if you win, you lose.....
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We at street level
street level ? my god ! pull yourself together man have you no dignity :D

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Thermo said:
still think he was bumped off
Agreed, wasn't it the ambulance staff who couldn't get near the body and they spoke after about 6 months saying no way Dr Kelly died there and there wasn't enough blood as well?

I also believe they wasn't invited to give evidence in the court case.

Make you wonder if the government have SS police :!:
Make you wonder if the government have SS police :!:

If we don't hear from you again, I think your suspicions will have been confirmed:p

Havn't seen many posts on DIY torture or spying equipment though :!:
nstreet said:
Make you wonder if the government have SS police :!:

If we don't hear from you again, I think your suspicions will have been confirmed:p

Havn't seen many posts on DIY torture or spying equipment though :!:
or even that UFO's are real ;)
I cant remember ever going to a sudden death in my old job, where someone had succesfully overdosed on aspirin. As for cutting the wrists? same again. Both very hard to do properly. His daughter was soon to be married, and he was supposedly swept up by the whole lead up to it. Does that sound like the actions of a father who dotes over his daughter?
add that with whats been siad by the paramedics and it doesnt stack up to me.
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