I wasn't questioning your integrity/opinion, I was wondering what you meant by "sh*te", whether it was based on personal experience and what that experience was.
Apologies - looking back at my reply to it didn't really convey what I was thinking, and sounded offhand. I merely meant you to have a look at the reference site and make up your mind based on the views of a lot of people, not just mine.
I've got no axe to grind with Tiscali, neither do I have any reason to support them. I found a few customer reviews post-your comment...overwhelmingly poor, it seems.
That's a kind way of putting it.
However, depending on what you meant by "sh*te" may or may not make it justified as a back-up service...I was just asking.
OK. I should have stated the criteria I use to rate ISPs. They are as follows.
1. The fee for calling technical staff must be no more than for a local rate call.
2. The technical staff must be available 24 hours a day.
3. When called, they must be capable of performing tests, or using some deductive reasoning, that I'm not capable of doing.
4. They must be capable of determining whether the problem is on my side of the ADSL modem, or theirs, without asking me to re-install one single solitary piece of software.
AFAIK, Tiscali probably passes on criterion #2. My ratings are:
Passes on all 4 -> Excellent.
Passes on all except #1 -> Excellent, but expensive.
Fails on 2
or 3
or 4 -> Sh*te.
Fails on two out of 2 or 3 or 4 -> Abysmal.
Fails on three or more of any of them -> TalkTalk.
Hence, if you want to be particularly insulting to someone, and you find that you've overused the term m*ther****er, you can just call them "TalkTalk".