ADT nightmare

5 Aug 2018
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United Kingdom
ADT are a nightmare to deal with. The system still has an arcomm failure after 2 years !!
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If you no longer pay a maintenance fee then ADT shut down the monitoring connection. This will cause a arc fail.
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You can always fit or get someone to fit an IP based module to send events to your phone. Or you could have reporting disabled and have a bells-only system.
Our college employs an outside contractor to run a large section of our maintenance. The security systems fall under their remit. When the contract for the systems came up for renewal the contractors selected ADT as they were on their list of approved companies, whereas the original firm weren't. ADT have been in control for about 9 months now, and they have been out more times in 9 months than the original company were in 2 years. Example: A fault occurs with the fire system. They come out, (usually about 2 days later), assess the problem and say they need to order some parts. May take anywhere from 3 to 10 days for the parts to arrive. When/if they arrive they then book an engineer to come and do the job. This can take up to a week for one to arrive. Often, they will say they have the wrong part or there is something else wrong as well. They are a shambles.
We have a call system on the 4 stairwells, and they disconnected the 2 on the south wing a few months ago. We are still waiting for them to re-instate it but they say their is a glitch somewhere. Really? Well maybe if you hadn't pi$$ed about with it we wouldn't have a problem, as none was reported!
We had the lift breakdown 3 weeks ago. We had a contract with the installers and if anything went wrong, they were out within 4 hours, 6 max, and they had it repaired the same day/first thing next morning. How ADT are qualified to repair lifts is beyond me. The lift is still broken down, waiting for 2 safety guard plates to arrive. Guess who they have to order them from? Yes, the original lift installers, (can't think of the name at the moment as I'm off on long term sick leave but think it was something like Omcron or similar). When I contacted the original installers over a different matter a while ago, they said they hadn't received an official order from ADT so couldn't fulfil the order until they had a P/O.
Some companies think that because they are a large nationwide outfit, that makes them speedy and more efficient. But the opposite seems to be the case.
You can always fit or get someone to fit an IP based module to send events to your phone. Or you could have reporting disabled and have a bells-only system.
Could you recommend someone for this or a service? I’d love to get rid of ADT

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