Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young.

2 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
In 1997 Mary Schmich, a journalist, wrote a piece in the Chicago Tribune titled: Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young. Link Here Based on her experience of life, it actually gave advice to the 'young'. The words from the column were later put to music by Australian film director Baz Luhrmann in the track: Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen). There are various remixed versions of the track.

So, if you're up for it, consider yourself to be 20 years old again (or there about), difficult for some I know, perhaps disturbing for others. :confused: We've probably all learned/experienced wonderful, dreadful, heartbreaking, fantastic things over the years. In our 20s we took some things for granted. We gave little thought to the loss of some things, thought some things would never happen, thought they only happen to 'old people'... Considering your life and experiences, if you could somehow go back and give that young man/woman (yourself), just one piece of advice, what would it be?

Obviously it's something of a paradox as if you'd listened to the advice of your mother/father/older person etc then you wouldn't need to go back as they'd no doubt have given similar advice and if we'd listened in the first place..... well, you get the gist. So for the purpose of the exercise lets assume the young person (you), are receptive to the advice.

While you're having a think, here's Baz Lurhman's track.

My advice, for what it's worth would have been, get into property development. Too late for that now in more ways than one.[/youtube]
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On the odd occasion, when my advice has been consulted, by nephews, nieces, and the like, I've always said:
"Do what you think is right.
In the future, you don't have to live with anyone else's opinion, but you'll always have to live with your own self-perception."

OK, Mod, if my connection speed was as fast as yours, you might not have beaten me to it. ;)
Hi Blasphemous, the link should be okay now
Thanks mate. No idea what I had/hadn't done. As I said earlier, I'd looked at it from both sides but couldn't figure it out. Ah well, ok now.

If someone asks for the benefit of your life experience then give it.
I'm asking for yours Joe. Come on, you're a man of the world with a wealth of experience of life. You're a good guitar player (that must have taken a great deal of commitment), have a daughter, develop property... come on mate, what one bit of advice do you think would make a difference to a young Joe, Blas, conny, canta, prentice, martian etc?
Lots of advice already in the clip much I could say, but will settle for 'follow your dream'
(and also don't harbour anger and resentment ...its totally destructive)
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Hi Blasphemous, the link should be okay now
Thanks mate. No idea what I had/hadn't done. As I said earlier, I'd looked at it from both sides but couldn't figure it out. Ah well, ok now.

If someone asks for the benefit of your life experience then give it.
I'm asking for yours Joe. Come on, you're a man of the world with a wealth of experience of life. You're a good guitar player (that must have taken a great deal of commitment), have a daughter, develop property... come on mate, what one bit of advice do you think would make a difference to a young Joe, Blas, conny, canta, prentice, martian etc?

Get educated, highly educated - no matter what the cost. Or at least get fully skilled and qualified. If you don't - you'll spend the whole of your life unemployed.
Either make enough money to be able to pay others to do the things you can't or be clever enough to be able to do them for others..
Strange how all the male posters have advice on money :!:
My advice would be don't listen to me, things went down hill from being twenty and never move in with a woman or a bloke even!
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