What is the matter with the justice system in this country? It seems that any lame excuse from a member of an ethnic minority allows them to receive far more leniency than someone who is indigenous to these shores. In a similar vein, I recall a recent case where several south-asian immigrants (some maybe even second or third generation) were convicted of similar offences. I pose this question. In the United Kingdom, it is against the law to discriminate on grounds of gender. Thus those who do not accept sex equality, (like the rapist-subject of this post who had been taught women are worthless), are they not guilty of an offence under the Sex Discrimination Act? Thus those who teach such discrimination, why are they not prosecuted? Oh yes, I know why. They are an ethnic minority! They can do what they damn well like and our justice system lets them get away with it! But if Mr Indigenous speaks out, he is branded Racist and faces prosecution under the Race Relations Act! This legislature in this country needs to wise-up and fast, before extremist parties are *voted* into power or a certain religious group *seizes* power and imposes their law on the majority. I know which I would rather see!