Ah Ignorance of the law is a defence !

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Lets just say I have clinical background experience which helped me make these decisions.

You all seem to be of the opinion that
A. she will have sex before she is vaccinated
B. That sex will be unprotected
C. The partner will definately be infected with the virus

You also seem to be hysterically assuming that not having the vaccine is a certain death sentence . . . . . . .

I have news for you all. I am not vaccinated nor is my wife nor her friends or all the people sexually active right now who have not had the vaccine.

In fact everyone prior to the vaccination that has only been given to the current 13-15yr olds has not had the vaccine, your wife,your girlfriend etc etc etc

. . . and guess what THEY AINT ALL DROPPING LIKE FLIES in fact my gran made 95 , my mum is 76 need I go on?

Cervical cancer is actually indicated by SMOKING, Did you know that?

So this is the bit where I could go off and go into a massive thesis on the why's and wherefore's of Gardasil or Cervirax without even mentioning the 1 in 100,000 extreme reactions including death just from being vaccinated.

I did my homework , I suggest you do too rather than just toe the govt line of hysteria and big pharma.
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I salute you. You're doing the right thing towards your daughter as far as I can see by reading between the lines. i.e. Having a reasonable and adult discussion with your daughter, not forbidding, and with the correct (parental) duty of care.

Well, we all know what happens when you say to a teenager "Don't....."

Here is some reading telling you things you should know to make an 'informed' decision about having the HPV vaccination.

In summary,
It's side effects can inlude death
its longevity is unknown
It only covers SOME HPV virii not all
HPV infections are self healing in 90% of cases
The reduction of Cervical cancer via HPV innoculation is not likely to reduce the rate of cervical cancer any more effectively than regular screening and PAP tests.

I sent back the consent form for a cervirax innoculation (a drug with an even less proven efficiacy than gardasil opting out my daughter as I was unhappy with the rushed introduction of the drug and lack of knowledge to me it just seemed like a medical company bandwagon jumping.) requesting my daughter did not have the vaccination.

My daughter was 13 at the time.
I was therefore amazed to get a tearful call from my daughter saying they had lined her up for the jab with everyone else.

I rang the school nurse and reenforced my position.
Alarmingly the consent form also stated that my daughter was able to overide my decision if she wished!!

Here is the final irony Cervirax the drug they were SO desperate to pump into my daughter was dropped by the govt after just one years use and replaced with gardasil.
Cervirax offered even less potential protection than gardasil who's efficiency has yet to be ratified.

So what protection now for the girls at my daughters school who had the jab? They can't even now get the booster shots required to keep the original immunisation.

I will continue to wear my hat of scepticism and by instilling lifestyle choices like not smoking or being sexually promiscuous, self protection in the form of contraceptives and regular screening and keeping a watching brief over the gardasil issue to protect my daughter from cervical cancer.

The one thing I would not do is let my daughter think is that having that gardasil protection would simply allow her to be sexually aggressive in the blind hope that the HPV virus she would get from sex would happily be thwarted by an vaccine of limited effectiveness and unknown long term efficiency.
As a last comment.

A girl at my daughters school has chlamydia...

She was 13 maybe 14 when she contracted it.

It is no coincidence that she had unprotected sex after having her jab at school. The jab probably gave her like yourselves the misguided assuption that she was ok for sex and protected for life.

The schools should not be blasting pupils with a vaccine of unknown or limited value that encourages unprotected sex they should be filling their schoolbags with condoms but then that would offend people and be seen as encouraging underage sex etc etc.
Lance Armstrong bullied the world who questioned his drug use with the shield of cancer champion
Gardasil and cervirax also used this emotive 'dare not argue against' promotion tool for their drugs of dubious worth which ironically give a false sense of the safety of unprotected sex and the chlamydia which can be caught as a byproduct of over confidence but which along with smoking is a big indicator of cervical cancer.
I for one would not and did not assume that this vaccine was the wonder drug and lifetime protection it was seemingly promoted as.
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What medical qualifcations do you have?

I am not a clinical person but I have worked as a manager of three GP surgeries. Part of my remit was all the issues relating to the prescribing of drugs and the policies created. I went to PCT meetings and I also reported to the MHRA relating to adverse reactions etc etc. It was my job to ensure contractural prescribing policies were adhered to and the monitoring and use of generic medicines as opposed to branded medicines.
So in effect I was in the whole loop relating to the why's and wherefore's of clinical prescribing.

Would you be surprised to learn that GPs get freebies from pharmasutical companies to prescribe their products?

So am I now a cynic - yes.

Do i put my daughters health above the hype? yes
Quoting A99: "What is the matter with the justice system in this country? It seems that any lame excuse from a member of an ethnic minority allows them to receive far more leniency than someone who is indigenous to these shores. In a similar vein, I recall a recent case where several south-asian immigrants (some maybe even second or third generation) were convicted of similar offences. I pose this question. In the United Kingdom, it is against the law to discriminate on grounds of gender. Thus those who do not accept sex equality, (like the rapist-subject of this post who had been taught women are worthless), are they not guilty of an offence under the Sex Discrimination Act? Thus those who teach such discrimination, why are they not prosecuted? Oh yes, I know why. They are an ethnic minority! They can do what they damn well like and our justice system lets them get away with it! But if Mr Indigenous speaks out, he is branded Racist and faces prosecution under the Race Relations Act! This legislature in this country needs to wise-up and fast, before extremist parties are *voted* into power or a certain religious group *seizes* power and imposes their law on the majority. I know which I would rather see!"

I just want Astra99 to break up his posts into an easily readable type thing.

People in glass houses.................................
What medical qualifcations do you have?

I am not a clinical person but I have worked as a manager of three GP surgeries.

So why did you claim you had a clinical background to justify your ludicrous thought process?

(Even though it was blatantly obvious from what you said in your post that you weren't clinical in any way beyond having a Reader's Digest Home First Aid book on your coffee table).
A girl at my daughters school has chlamydia...

She was 13 maybe 14 when she contracted it.

It is no coincidence that she had unprotected sex after having her jab at school. The jab probably gave her like yourselves the misguided assuption that she was ok for sex and protected for life.

that's a very foolish assumption. I'd wager that the idea of HPV or chlamydia was the last thing on her mind.

You might recall that schoolgirl pregnancies have existed as long as there have been schoolgirls.
What medical qualifcations do you have?

I am not a clinical person but I have worked as a manager of three GP surgeries.

So why did you claim you had a clinical background to justify your ludicrous thought process?

(Even though it was blatantly obvious from what you said in your post that you weren't clinical in any way beyond having a Reader's Digest Home First Aid book on your coffee table).

I said I had a clinical background because I used to manage and work in a clinical environment.
You are allowed to have your opinion of course even if it is only based on the propaganda released by drug companies.

I would hardly call the research I carried out ludicrous. Lets be honest the decision I made regarding Cervirax was actually acted upon by the govt who swiftly swapped to Gardasil.

Are you now saying the Govt and its advisers are right and were wrong before or are wrong now but were right originally? You do not know do you?

Or who knows maybe Gardasil was offered cheaper and thats why the govt swapped. Does that look like a good reason to follow it?

Were you even aware there were two different vaccines? I doubt it.
A girl at my daughters school has chlamydia...

She was 13 maybe 14 when she contracted it.

It is no coincidence that she had unprotected sex after having her jab at school. The jab probably gave her like yourselves the misguided assuption that she was ok for sex and protected for life.

that's a very foolish assumption. I'd wager that the idea of HPV or chlamydia was the last thing on her mind.

You might recall that schoolgirl pregnancies have existed as long as there have been schoolgirls.

Yep and non schoolgirl pregnacies from girls who have underage sex but use condoms has existed for a long time too but girls not getting pregnant doesn't make the news does it?

We have a scenario where your GP will give underage girls contraception in the form of the pill or implants and the school will give vaccines which according to everyone on here is a magic bullet for cervical cancer.

So what behaviour do you think these girls will display knowing they cant get pregnant or get cancer?
Do you think they will use protection in the form of condoms or do you think they will dispense with all that messing around after all they can't get pregnant or get cancer yes?
Why do you think chlamydia is on the increase?

Could it be that the authorities pander to methods that allow unprotected sex?

Personally I think the school should be educating on the use of condoms for many reasons not just pregnancy related but for health concerns too.

I hardly think going back to this thread we could come down too hard on the peadophile in this case if we find out that her local GP is giving her contraception without her guardians knowledge and the local school have told her she is fine now and protected against cancer.

But john you are right HPV and chlamidyia probably were the last things on that girls mind which proves the very foolishness of arming children for battle when they don't know how to shoot a gun.
It's God, or Nature, or Genetic Programming, that makes young people fall in love, have sex, and have lots of babies.

Not vaccines.

Preventing your daughter from wearing a seat belt won't prevent her being in a car crash.
What medical qualifcations do you have?

I am not a clinical person but I have worked as a manager of three GP surgeries.

So why did you claim you had a clinical background to justify your ludicrous thought process?

(Even though it was blatantly obvious from what you said in your post that you weren't clinical in any way beyond having a Reader's Digest Home First Aid book on your coffee table).

I said I had a clinical background because I used to manage and work in a clinical environment.
You are allowed to have your opinion of course even if it is only based on the propaganda released by drug companies.

I would hardly call the research I carried out ludicrous. Lets be honest the decision I made regarding Cervirax was actually acted upon by the govt who swiftly swapped to Gardasil.

Are you now saying the Govt and its advisers are right and were wrong before or are wrong now but were right originally? You do not know do you?

Or who knows maybe Gardasil was offered cheaper and thats why the govt swapped. Does that look like a good reason to follow it?

Were you even aware there were two different vaccines? I doubt it.

Shut up with your well written posts and "facts", chapeau has questioned your qualifications, therefore you are WRONG!
What medical qualifcations do you have?

I am not a clinical person but I have worked as a manager of three GP surgeries.

So why did you claim you had a clinical background to justify your ludicrous thought process?

(Even though it was blatantly obvious from what you said in your post that you weren't clinical in any way beyond having a Reader's Digest Home First Aid book on your coffee table).

I said I had a clinical background because I used to manage and work in a clinical environment.
You are allowed to have your opinion of course even if it is only based on the propaganda released by drug companies.

I would hardly call the research I carried out ludicrous. Lets be honest the decision I made regarding Cervirax was actually acted upon by the govt who swiftly swapped to Gardasil.

Are you now saying the Govt and its advisers are right and were wrong before or are wrong now but were right originally? You do not know do you?

Or who knows maybe Gardasil was offered cheaper and thats why the govt swapped. Does that look like a good reason to follow it?

Were you even aware there were two different vaccines? I doubt it.

Shut up with your well written posts and "facts", chapeau has questioned your qualifications, therefore you are WRONG!

lol I guess this was a sarcastic post for the benefit of Chapeu's blind ignorance :)

But for Chapeau's benefit . .

I would love to be wrong but I am not Gardasil does not protect against all HPV virii only a few....

I never said I was a clinically qualified I said I came from a clinical background which I believe managing employing and recruiting clinical staff and working with clinical policies qualifies myself to state.

You don't actually need qualifications to state facts only common sense and a desire for the truth.

I had to make informed decisions about which vaccines I ordered for the service. GPs don't actually make those decisions unless they are partners and then you could ask whether there was a conflict of interest.
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