Air Bricks ventilation of airflow under new extension

Ideally the duct pipe should be below the slab, so that the slab remains in one piece. Or below the insulation if not.

But the position of the pipe is governed by how much space is available in the existing floor void.

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Ideally the duct pipe should be below the slab, so that the slab remains in one piece. Or below the insulation if not.

But the position of the pipe is governed by how much space is available in the existing floor void.

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The reality is, the vent duct will likely be somewhere between the hard core layer and the insulation. If you are lucky, then it will be wholly under everything.

I'm trying to get my head around this detail. When you say "put the new duct pipe through under the new floor" What layer of the floor build up would this duct pipe sit in? Surely cant go in the insulation layer as would be a cold bridge & assuming it wouldn't be cast into the slab also. If anyone has a section of this I would really appreciate it. Can find a lot of descriptions of this approach on these forums but no drawings/diagrams
We did a through duct recently...


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