Air france Airbus A340-300

24 Feb 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Landing in poor weather Costly. The lights went out just before.... They got very lucky.. Thankfully.

Roll on the A380 :confused: One thing is for sure it will happen.. To someone, somewhere, sometime.

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What is the etiquette for escaping from a burning plane.

Surely, as a 35 year-old father of three under-6's, it is more important in the grand scheme of things that I get out rather than, say, a 70 year-old woman (or man), but it doesn't seem like the done thing.

Has anyone any suggestions as to how I should approach this tricky dilemma, should it arise ?
jtaunton said:
Surely, as a 35 year-old father of three under-6's, it is more important in the grand scheme of things that I get out rather than, say, a 70 year-old woman (or man),

Only if that (father of 3 under 6) is tattooed on your skin (forehead)
Couldn't I just put birthdates, so as to avoid having to constantly update it ?
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Only when it says: son/daughter 1: dob; son/daughter 2: dob etc otherwise we might think it's your graduation date, marriage date or moving in date.
Make sure you leave enough space for future 'events' or even grandchildren later.
and make it a fluorescent colour, so it can be seen in the dark.
It's OK - My forehead is expanding northwards at a sufficient rate to cover future events :LOL:
jtaunton said:
What is the etiquette for escaping from a burning plane.

What you need to do is to grab the nearest 70-year-old and help them off. This means that you can push younger people out of the way with impunity.
From a Darwinian point of view, you have already passed on your genes, so really your job on earth is done. However, I'm 25 and stuffed full of great genes that need to be passed on for the good of mankind and have not yet passed them on... I hope.

Therefore, whilst you are helping the 70 year old off, don't be surprised if I run past! :LOL:
your plane crashes, its about to ignite, why the hell do you frig about taking photos from inside of the people getting out on your mobile phone? gas the world gone mad? (i know i know the answer is yes!)
AdamW said:
...I'm 25 and stuffed full of great genes that need to be passed on for the good of mankind and have not yet passed them on... I hope.......

I found Falmers had the better flavour, Wranglers should always be worn ... If you are attempting to pass them via William, apart from 'best of luck' ... Stay clear of bell bottoms !!
:confused: :eek: :confused: :D :D :D :D :D
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