Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

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I have never made predictions.

Brexit will mean a loss of control. Fact.

But then I know you cant see beyond 3 word soundbites.

Its not loss of control if they feel they have gained control.

EU can't tell us what to do but we will follow them if we need to sell to them. The US can't tell us what to do unless we open up our markets and public services.
Guys - its done, save the political postings for 2024, nobody cares that all the losers added together adds up to more than the winners.

The only fact from this election is that the conservatives secured a significant majority and now have a mandate to deliver their policies.
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Panic panic flap flap doom drama we want it all to go wrong wreck all the pieces on the board tantrum etc...get a grip.

And before you start the greater majority means the ERG will have less power over Boris so let's see what happens now. Let's give him a chance, Labour have been nothing but a blustering opposition party opposing anything for the sake of opposition.

Had they put someone in like David Miliband they could well be celebrating a similar victory to the Tories but they didnt they fcked up so badly it's like a tory infiltrater insisted on keeping Corbyn and wrong shoes up there to ensure it would never happen.

For now I'm sitting back watching what happens but will be fiercely bitch slapping my local mp over a few issues to ensure things change.
Guys - its done, save the political postings for 2024, nobody cares that all the losers added together adds up to more than the winners.

The only fact from this election is that the conservatives secured a significant majority and now have a mandate to deliver their policies.

Yes the Conservatives have a mandate to 'get brexit done'.
But domestic political power cant deliver any brexit benefit because none exists.

The good thing is that Boris now owns Brexit, so lets watch how it plays out.
I cant see an EU trade deal by next June, so the same no deal arguments will be surfacing again in the spring.

Cake and eat it deals dont exist.
If you look at the data this was way closer than it seemed based on the returns.

The LibDems did quite well despite their policy and leadership. Labour could easily swing it back next time, if they can stop the progress of corbynism and momentum. They need another Tony Blair.
If you look at the data this was way closer than it seemed based on the returns.

The LibDems did quite well despite their policy and leadership
. Labour could easily swing it back next time, if they can stop the progress of corbynism and momentum. They need another Tony Blair.

They could have done even better if they'd fielded candidates in all of the constituencies. For one, they didn't contest in mine.
If you look at the data this was way closer than it seemed based on the returns.

The LibDems did quite well despite their policy and leadership
. Labour could easily swing it back next time, if they can stop the progress of corbynism and momentum. They need another Tony Blair.

They could have done even better if they'd fielded candidates in all of the constituencies. For one, they didn't contest in mine.
Is this not a prediction


Boris Johnson deal puts border in Irish sea.
Loss of control
Fact not prediction.

Boris Johnson deal requires 'level playing field'
Loss of control.

Any future trade with EU will require regulatory alignment.
We currently have seat at table to influence regulations
Post Brexit we will have no influence, but have to comply with regulations
Loss of control.

If the UK 'take back control', then EU will also take back control.
Eg: UK currently have passporting rights.
Post Brexit those rights can be removed / changed at will by EU, who will no doubt make rule changes which will act as nudge factors to encourage business to move to EU.
Loss of control.

Post Brexit, the UK will go from a trade bloc of $19 trillion to a single trade country of $3 trillion.
Automatic loss of negotiating power for US trade deal.
Loss of control

There ya go Bodd, I havent made predictions, loss of control is a given
We will see it play out over the next 5 years, starting with attempts to obtain a free trade deal with the EU, which wont succeed.

Boris Johnson deal puts border in Irish sea.
Loss of control
Fact not prediction.

Boris Johnson deal requires 'level playing field'
Loss of control.

Any future trade with EU will require regulatory alignment.
We currently have seat at table to influence regulations
Post Brexit we will have no influence, but have to comply with regulations
Loss of control.

If the UK 'take back control', then EU will also take back control.
Eg: UK currently have passporting rights.
Post Brexit those rights can be removed / changed at will by EU, who will no doubt make rule changes which will act as nudge factors to encourage business to move to EU.
Loss of control.

Post Brexit, the UK will go from a trade bloc of $19 trillion to a single trade country of $3 trillion.
Automatic loss of negotiating power for US trade deal.
Loss of control

There ya go Bodd, I havent made predictions, loss of control is a given
We will see it play out over the next 5 years, starting with attempts to obtain a free trade deal with the EU, which wont succeed.
The so predictable remoaners swiftly onto the next topic to twist about and hope the UK goes bankrupt so they can gloat and say I told you so ...Not happening sados...
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