how much they skim off their poor workforce, i wonder why?
If I told you the status of 'my right arm' (as I call him) you would not believe me in any case, but here goes..
He's 22 and has had his own house (dog and cat) for over a year.
He has his own Mercedes van and sporty French hatchback.
He's generously paid.
He receives a
very generous bonus every Christmas.
He uses all my tools on a private basis out of work time.
I have worked on his house for free.
All sub-contractors are paid on the day and their workers all get a wee tip.
My floor screeder did a gratuity for me last year as a thankyou for loyalty.
I use the same electrician, scaffolder, grab man, concrete man, building materials supplier plumber etc as I have always done.
I have zero debts. All my accounts are paid at the end of the month.
I have enough work till late Autumn and have a quote pending on my desk that will take us till the end of the year (if I get it). I work 7 days a week to make sure the work keeps coming in, albeit only part time on Sat and Sun.
I could go on but I'm boring myself. Please don't try and educate me about building or ethics. And jonny2007 is equally as clueless.