So where did you move from?Thankfully nowhere near as many as where I moved from. That's why I ****ing moved!
1990. Wow, you moved because of immigrants? So is that nearly 30 years of middle England. So where do you get all your information from, the coffee shop or the papers? I ask because you were so damning of people getting their info when they've not experienced it. I'd say that in 30 years you've not really experienced the changes either. A smidge hypocritical of you.Since 1990. 20 moves eh? I bet you made lots of friends.
What ghetto's did you live in then?
I did make lots of friends actually, cheers for asking. Still keep in touch with some - decent people from all walks of life and none of them closed-minded or hung up on stupid stuff to do with immigrants etc - they're too busy living life and enjoying it. The best sort of person.
Oh - I think I owe you one of these patronising smilieys: