OK, after reading through the badge snob thread, I thought I'd share a few of my pet driving hates.
Not necessarily in any order, but these are the ones I seem to be experiencing a lot of at the mo...
1 - People who don't pull over to the far right of the lane when waiting to turn right, so that people can't pass on the inside. So everyone has to sit behind as they wait for a written invitation to pull away (cos they can't judge speed and pull away during a suitable gap in oncoming traffic).
2 - People who are unaware of traffic around them (see No1 above) that will sit in a queue of traffic and not leave a gap at a junction so other people can turn off (has no effect on them!)
3 - Again this links to No1, but people who can't judge speed of traffic, so will wait at a junction untill no cars are visable before pulling away, when several safe gaps in the traffic have passed.
4 - When you are at a T junction waiting to pull out, and a car is approaching from the right, right at the last minute, they then turn left without indicating (the awareness thing!)
5 - Single speed drivers... Yes they will drive at the same speed, where ever. Wide open stretch of dry road, 30 Mph... Past a school at 9am in the rain, 30 Mph. But THEY are driving at the speed limit, so YOU are in the wrong... You see this on the motorway a lot when there is fog, now I tend to drive a little faster than the speed limit, but will only drive as fast as I can see! Now picture this scenario, you overtake a car (travelling at 70) in good visability, when slightly further on, the vis deteriates so adjust speed accordingly, soon after, the car you just overtook, flies past doing 70 Mph still, visability returns, overtake said car... you get the picture!
6 - Drivers that pull up behind you when you are trying to parallel park. Especially when you stop parallel to the space first, then edge forward.
7 - Oncoming drivers that stop after you have indicated to them priority through a narrowing.
8 - People that can't judge the width of their own vehicle.
9 - Buses that will pull out on you even if there is nothing behind you, so you are forced to travel at their speed.
10 - Buses that stop to drop off/collect passengers in locations where no-one can pass, even tho a few feet further and no obstruction is caused.
11 - Tractors that travel at rush hour and then don't pull over every now and then to reduce the back-up of traffic behind.
12 - Usually in country lanes - People that refuse to reverse when it is obviously much easier for them too (you have four cars behind you and they have just passed a passing point!).
13 - Daudlers that insist on pulling into the outside lane, then pulling away slower than traffic on the inside lane...
14 - Drivers who don't know left from right... (mini roundabouts!)
15 - People who get into their parked car, see you indicating to park in the space they are occupying then, just sit there... when they could quite easily just shake their head to indicate they are not ready to leave, but oh no...
16a - The I'm not letting you pull in mentallity.
16b - I'm going to force myself past as many cars as possible mentallity.
17 - Lane hoggers, nuff said!
18 - Incorrect use of lighting.
19 - People who accelerate when you overtake, then drive up your chuff, even though they've driving at a snails pace for the last 5 miles...
20 - Lane wanderers...
21 - People who pull into that nice 'safe gap' distance you've been keeping.
22 - Teenage boys in Vauxhall Nova's who insist on sharing their love of 'music?' within a 12 Km radius... Dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof, dooof.
23 - Truck drivers who pull up 12,000th of an inch from your bumper.
24 - ALL taxi drivers, who are pig ignorrant and feel they have a God given right to do whatever they please... EG. Pull up in the middle of the road and unload grandma and her shopping etc. even tho there is a parking space!!!!
25 - Motobikes that sit right on your Rrr's, even when you pull over to give them room to pass.
That's enuff for now! To finish on a good note...
I really enjoy it when driving on a long journey and you pick up another driver with the same driving values as yourself, a sort of unspoken comradeship!