Another can of worms....

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I changed my views of Michael Jackson when I heard Culkin, a childhood star and friend of Jackson in adult life, defend him.

I believe Culkin when he said Jackson is not a pedophile. What he did say, and what makes sense, is that Michael became extremely isolated in adult life and did not socialise much, almost a recluse. He lost the ability to relate to people and explain himself very well. As a result he became, to an outsider, more and more of a strange and reclusive figure. His money and his obsession with childhood made him a prime target for opportunists. He paid off sex abuse allegations throughout his life and to any reasonably well adjusted person, the question would be why pay to settle out of court when you've done nothing wrong. The trouble is Jackson was clearly very maladjusted, so there may be a perfectly innocent reason for doing the wrong thing in his mind.

Frankly, I don't think he's ever capable of child abuse, but he's certainly guilty of not talking hold of his personal issues and working through them and there's no hard evidence, despite all the allegations thrown at him, that he molested a child. Just speculation and suspicion, and that's what sells papers.
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I never mentioned it was a specific cultural trait, but now you mention it ....
You knew exactly what you were saying, and your racism is out there for all to see!

Truly pathetic!
My mothers 2 older brothers

(One has passed away)were in the Hitler youth movement.

dunno what they did in the hitler youth ?

Camping :idea:
Don't be such a ****.

He can't help being a ****

He is beginning to panic :LOL: brain fade and denial is setting in

Him and the other t**t BAS are becoming more extreme :LOL:

Tbh I reckon they are racists ;)
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The first sign of panic and losing the argument is abuse and accusations. In fact, a common left wing tactic levied against anyone they don't agree with.

A sign of immaturity. Best watch out in case Micheal comes along to give you a hug. Shalmon.
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