Another great government plan

Sesquipedalophobia is the Fear of long words

And who said psychologists don't have a sense of irony :LOL:

Phobophobia is the Fear of phobias

Well, then, what is Phobophobophobia?

And how would you describe a fear of Phobos, one of the two moons of Mars? Seeing as "phobia" comes from the name of "Phobos" (literally Fear, one of the sons of the war-god Mars), would that not be phobophobia too? Seeing as the orbit of Phobos is decaying, and it will one day whack into Mars' atmosphere, surely people could be fearful of it?

Who do I see about having Phobophobia redefined? ;)
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AdamW said:
Sesquipedalophobia is the Fear of long words
That's a bug*er if you want to look up your condition as you'd be frightened to :LOL: why couldn't they shorten that to something like Sesbia.
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I know it's an old thread but......

WoodYouLike said:
We live and work in part of that area (East Kent) and are promoting something new for new houses build on the flood plains:

FLOATING Floors ;)

Now I know we are on the right track. Anyone seen BBC news yesterday about (us) Dutch not fighting the water anymore (after 45 years of building the Delta Works): they are building floating houses now!
WoodYouLike said:
I know it's an old thread but......

WoodYouLike said:
We live and work in part of that area (East Kent) and are promoting something new for new houses build on the flood plains:

FLOATING Floors ;)

Now I know we are on the right track. Anyone seen BBC news yesterday about (us) Dutch not fighting the water anymore (after 45 years of building the Delta Works): they are building floating houses now!
What Houseboats do you mean? ;)
LOL, no BoatHouses.
There are already some in the Rijn (Rhine, near Arnhem) which 'float' on the water and are 'moored' on pilons. When the water levels rises, so does the house! They can 'tackle' up to 5 meter higher water'level, if I remember correctly from yesterday.
Sounds like a good idea. I guess they have a coiled-up flexible linkage for sewerage, one for fresh water, one for electrics. That way when it sits down again you are good to go.

Talking of making houses resistant to natural forces, I have come up with a solution for all those houses in Florida that get smashed to smitherines every time there is a hurricane... BUILD PROPER HOUSES, OUT OF BRICKS. On the news it looks like they make them out of matchwood, what do they expect to happen when hit by a hurricane? :rolleyes:
AdamW said:
Sounds like a good idea. I guess they have a coiled-up flexible linkage for sewerage, one for fresh water, one for electrics. That way when it sits down again you are good to go.

He, it was the Beeb-news at 10, so no 'in-dept' info ;))
Read about it :-
The Canadians have been using this system for years and the Dutch are now adapting it to create whole new water-based urban quarters. Among the most prominent is the new Ijburg district of Amsterdam which, when finished, will provide 18,000 homes, as well as floating offices, schools, hospitals, and transport facilities.

Concrete boats -- nice if you fancy a change or dislike your neighbours, call in the tug !! .. No idiots congregating outside either.. In case of fire, submerge !
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