Another Idiot

8 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Following on from last week where I had a dangerous tailgater, I seemed to have attracted another idiot.

I was at the lights when I could hear a deafening bass sound coming from behind. The car behind was a sporty type and had a young (must be deaf) driver with the volume of his stereo at deafening levels. I could swear it was louder than an open air concert! :eek:

I drove off but had to pull in and let him pass as it was insufferable. He sped off at the speed of light taking with him his noise! :LOL:
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I drove off but had to pull in and let him pass as it was insufferable. He sped off at the speed of light taking with him his noise! :LOL:

Not sure what the speed of light is, but at a guess, he would have been slightly over the national speed limit. If you got his registration, report him to the police for speeding. :LOL:
A f**king idiot young man came round the corner onto my street 10 minutes ago SIDEWAYS. I kid ye not. Skid marks on the road to prove it. He's got one of those personalised no plates thats hard to read. JOO or J00 or J0O in it. Cant tell which. Brand new white Corsa. Had a mind to lean out of the window and shout abuse, but figured my neighbours would have been more offended.
Don't worry, it is nothing to do with you, just the DVLA.

I was sorry to see the demise of the DVLA Advanced Warning System whereby boy-racers, and trainee white-van-man drivers were forced to display at least one white flag with red warning cross on their vehicles.

Fortunately the other warning system still appears to be in use to warn of their approach. The Regulation requiring that all windows of the vehicle must be wide open and the stereo must be thumping out the traditional BOOM…BOOM.BOOM…BOOM at full volume.

dave ;)
Got one goes past work, 7.55am every morning.
Can't tell what type of car, it moves too fast, but we hear him at the top of the road, (about 400yards), and it gets louder and louder then suddenly it begins to fade as a blur goes past the gates. In all it takes about 20 seconds to come and go, (the noise that is, the car is been and gone in a flash!)
Thing is, they are so zonked out listening they wouldn't see/hear an emergency vehicle if it was tailgating them!
Following on from last week where I had a dangerous tailgater, I seemed to have attracted another idiot.

I was at the lights when I could hear a deafening bass sound coming from behind. The car behind was a sporty type and had a young (must be deaf) driver with the volume of his stereo at deafening levels. I could swear it was louder than an open air concert! :eek:

I drove off but had to pull in and let him pass as it was insufferable. He sped off at the speed of light taking with him his noise! :LOL:

It's quite simple. Telephone your local Police non-emergency number; in Lancashire it's 0845 1 25 35 45 and in Manchester it's 0161 872 5050. Report the driver and if the make and reg agree they will log it against that car and next time he is spotted by a patrol car equipped with ANPR he will get stopped for a chat and a "producer" notice. More then three reports will earn him a visit at home and the possibility of his car being confiscated.

We have dealt with an habitual speeding scumbag in our street in this way and he no longer speeds, endangering our children.

its even better than that.

if they get pulled for dodgy plate or bad driving, they get a Section 59 warning.

If pulled for the same offence within 12 months, car seized for 3 three weeks, fine, towage and storage.


Phone the police, for tailgating and kids playing loud music from their modified citroen C4's....???????????? Is this thread for real....???? :eek: :eek:

Surely police resources should be completely revised as it is....let alone phone calls like these...??????????

I put to you all......
Speed checks consisting of two cop cars and two motorbikes (i've seen them) to catch people doing 10 mph over the limit......


Two cop cars and two motorbikes ..........

1) Banging up these scum bag ASBO kids AND THEIR PARENTS, for terrorising their vunerable defenceless neighbours.

2) Being available to rush to the scene of reports of Intruders STILL inside decent people's properties. (I'll stop......My list will go on and on).

NOPE...... just go for the everyday motorist........It's easier........ :rolleyes:

A complete overhaul, as far as police deployment, is massively overdue......

Vigilantism is on it's way me......
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