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Its always difficult to correlate the sentences with the damage caused. You have to consider that he did not set out to kill someone and that every day, people drive dangerously and don't end up killing someone.

The magistrate will have been guided by the sentencing manual and the mitigation would probably have been well within the acceptable guidelines.
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I am genuinely interested to know if they have. If they have whats the causes?

I doubt it would be possible to measure, without a time machine. You'd have to define a standard, then go back in time to measure compliance with it. Then compare it with the present.

Taking the recent quoted examples of how big a gap is needed for safe overtaking as an example, I'd say that (according to those sort of definitions), standards have plummeted.

The roads are so much busier nowadays, you would never get anywhere at all, waiting at junctions for "big enough, safe" gaps to pull out into.
I doubt it would be possible to measure, without a time machine. You'd have to define a standard, then go back in time to measure compliance with it. Then compare it with the present.

Taking the recent quoted examples of how big a gap is needed for safe overtaking as an example, I'd say that (according to those sort of definitions), standards have plummeted.

The roads are so much busier nowadays, you would never get anywhere at all, waiting at junctions for "big enough, safe" gaps to pull out into.

You think cars that are now faster accelerating makes driving safer or more dangerous?

I do laugh at the times when I see a driver accelerate hard for about 25m only to break hard. Never really understood that.
You have some report or evidence to backup the claim - driving standards have fallen?

No evidence to hand,

Maybe I should have said that some people pass the driving test and then go on to use a vehicle on the roads without the due care and consideration for other drivers that was once part of driving ability. Hence the decline in driving standards.
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You think cars that are now faster accelerating makes driving safer or more dangerous?

I do laugh at the times when I see a driver accelerate hard for about 25m only to break hard. Never really understood that.

My mrs' 435d has an economy mode where it effectively disconnects the engine from the drive when you take your foot off the gas. It takes a while to get used to just how far it can coast. Certainly found myself having to use the brakes a bit after accelerating until I got the hang of it.
You think cars that are now faster accelerating makes driving safer or more dangerous?

I have no opinion on that. It's not relevant to this thread anyway.

For the assertion that "driving standards have fallen" to be measurable, you need to set a standard, then measure it across a number of years. How you define the standard influences (perhaps even materially) whether the assertion holds, or doesn't.
Cars that have better braking systems and stability programs are safer.. ESP and brake assist is attributed to 15% reduction in accidents. Though the research was sponsored by Mercedes
Cars that have better braking systems and stability programs are safer.. ESP and brake assist is attributed to 15% reduction in accidents. Though the research was sponsored by Mercedes

There is a school of thought which suggests all of these driver aids, safety aids and vehicles which improve the occupiers chances of crash survival, encourage their drivers to take more risks. Nothing focused the mind on driving quite as well as a rigid steering column ready to impale the chest.
Cars that have better braking systems and stability programs are safer.. ESP and brake assist is attributed to 15% reduction in accidents. Though the research was sponsored by Mercedes

Doesn't have any bearing on the driving standard though, only that the hardware is mitigating any mistakes / misjudgements.
The stupid thing about this, is that it is possible to get sufficient points that should result in a ban, to get found guilty of offences that should result in a ban, and then plead hardship/loss of income/impact on family and then continue to be allowed to drive.

The whole purpose of laws is that they act as deterrents, and others are protected from criminal behaviour.
Driving standards falling: (supporting and detracting opinion)
+ mobile phones (texting and surfing) definitely impact safety
+ more drug driving
+ more people with questionable EU driving Licenses. I have a polish friend who "bought" her license

- Better driver training in the learner test
- higher standard of learner drivers/riders. (when I coached advanced, new Direct Access candidates were way better than experienced riders)
- Less drink driving

but its probably down to traffic and volume
+ more people with questionable EU driving Licenses. I have a polish friend who "bought" her license
There was bound to be one that would introduce prejudice into the discussion. It was only a matter of time.
A single driving licence for the whole EU
The EU has introduced a harmonised licence model and further minimum requirements for obtaining a licence. This should help to keep unsafe drivers off Europe's roads - wherever they take their driving test.

The Council of the European Union Directive 91/439/EEC harmonises the categories of driving licences among the Member States and establishes two Community driving licence models, one paper version and one plastic card version. It furthermore establishes an obligatory test of knowledge (theory) and a test of skills and behaviour (practical) which has to be successfully passed before an individual is offered a driving licence. It also requires an applicant to meet the minimum standards of physical and mental fitness to drive. The directive specifies the minimum ages for driving different types of vehicles, and establishes progressive access in categories A, C, and D, from light vehicles to larger or more powerful vehicles. The directive stipulates that it is mandatory to have the normal residence in the Member State issuing the licence.[2]
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