Because there is not a strong right-wing media lobby afraid that Sugar will become prime minister.
Have you known a month in the last two years when there has not been an anti-Corbyn story running, and circulated by the RWRs?
For example, Notch has made 162 anti-Corbyn posts here in the last 6 months.
Another Right wing media smear conspiracy.
JohnD wants to look closer to home.
Much of the anti semetism row against JC and his commie clan is coming from a mixture of the Jewish labour and the more more moderates in the labour party.
Remember the majority of Labour MPs gave a vote of no confidence in JC as leader.
Well the momentum bullies havent got rid of many of them and they are circling. The labour party is deeply divided, the moderates are biding there time........maybe this anti semitism row is getting them aligned for a coup