Another Spanish quarantine.

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Jeez, coming from the master of re-invention, that's rich. Bobby Himmy Red.

Oh the irony!

I was referring to sodthisforfun.
If you feel the need to intervene on her behalf, OK, I'm happy to discuss it with you.
Tell me why sodthisforfun, Vinty, and Mitch 66 needed to re-invent themselves. Those are the only ones of which I am aware.
Now, as you think it's fine for some to reinvent themselves, but strangely others, it's somehow not acceptable, what criteria do you apply, as to who may reinvent themselves, without criticism, and who may not?

And do tell me, if I've been banned before, what have I been banned for?
You must surely know, as you appear extremely sure that you know of any previous usernames I'm supposed to have had.
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Or phone the law and say you thought you heard someone being called a jigaboo. Ten squad cars will arrive in minutes and close the place. :ROFLMAO:

It was the use of an abhorrent and overt racist term used by ReganAndCarter, that the mods allowed to remain, that causes me the greatest dissatisfaction with the site.

Ah, diddums!

You seem pleased with yourself for using a racist term without restraint.
You obviously have little concern for the reputation of the site, happily bringing it into disrepute, and laughing it off, as though it was no great concern.

Very much like sodthisforfun, publicly stating that she intends to be abusive, because she can, without restraint, because she enjoys some sort of privileged position on this site.
Now if someone enjoys a privileged position, and pretends they don't, is that not deceitful?
And do tell me, if I've been banned before, what have I been banned for?
You must surely know, as you appear extremely sure that you know of any previous usernames I'm supposed to have had.

Can't remember exactly what you were banned for, Himmy. Maybe you bored the mods, who knows? But not very clever to deny your past noms de plumes. Your writing style (terminally boring, obsessive replies to anyone who feeds you, contant quoting, pc claptrap, long tedious posts, etc, etc) are way too distinctive.

You're like a moth who can't resist the flame, and even when repeatedly burnt, keeps returning to it.
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Can't remember exactly what you were banned for, Himmy.
How convenient that you make an allegation, but can't remember how you arrived at your conclusion. Sheeple comes to mind.

, who knows?
Not you, obviously! So you make the allegation anyway, in total ignorance.

But not very clever to deny your past noms de plumes.
I haven't denied anything. Please show me any denial you claim I have made. (don't tell me, "you can't remember." :ROFLMAO: )
It is obvious that you (and others) are so sure of your allegation that if I denied anything you would then accuse me of lying, like sodthisforfun does repeatedly. So I deny you that opportunity. Yet you still allege that I have denied something. How ludicrous! You (and sodthisforfun) are insulting and abusive, with your false allegations without basis. Typical!

Your writing style ... are way too distinctive.
You mean identifying you as an overt racist, from your distinctive, obsessive racist comments? That's not difficult. Anyone could do it.
Maybe others arrive at the same conclusion, but clearly those others do not object to you displaying your racism.
So you exploit the chance and enjoy repeating your racist comments whenever the opportunity presents itself.

You're like a moth who can't resist the flame, and even when repeatedly burnt, keeps returning to it.
You, even when identified as an overt racist, keep proving the accusation.
You, even when asked to justify your reasons for your allegations, claim you can't remember. Yet you still maintain your allegations without knowing why.
Typical! Probably explains your racism, but you don't know how or why.
I'm referring to British people testing positive. In response to "brits bringing gifts" comment.
But you ain't exactly admitting it either, are you?
So you now accept that I haven't denied anything?
That means your earlier allegation was false, as was the same allegations from all the others.
But it doesn't stop you or them from making those false allegations, eh? Kind of predictable for those of your kind, eh?
And as usual, you accuse me of hiding something, while others, such as sodthisforfun, and maybe others, enjoy special privileges, at the same time pretending that they are just normal regular posters like anyone else. But you accept that without question, unless you and others know but don't let on.
It's all very one-sided, don't you think?

Have you given a thought as to whether all your other allegations are false also?
It doesn't occur to you until you are pressed to support your allegations with some evidence, then you admit you were wrong.
So you now accept that I haven't denied anything?
That means your earlier allegation was false, as was the same allegations from all the others.
But it doesn't stop you or them from making those false allegations, eh? Kind of predictable for those of your kind, eh?
And as usual, you accuse me of hiding something, while others, such as sodthisforfun, and maybe others, enjoy special privileges, at the same time pretending that they are just normal regular posters like anyone else. But you accept that without question, unless you and others know but don't let on.
It's all very one-sided, don't you think?

Have you given a thought as to whether all your other allegations are false also?
It doesn't occur to you until you are pressed to support your allegations with some evidence, then you admit you were wrong.
OK, will say it again and hope you get the message.

FFS. Give it a rest.
You are paranoid.
You reckon?
Can you honestly see anyone else getting away with the excessive abuse that sodthisforfun and transam dishes out without the slightest restraint from the mods? Not only dishing out the abuse, but publicly proclaiming that she has every intention of maintaining that abusive behaviour for the duration of my existence on here.

Then we have ReganAndCarter, exploiting every opportunity to use racist terms, again without restraint, for as long as anyone cares to research. It's not a one off mistake, it's an intentional exploitation of opportunity to be racist.

And you think that I am somehow imagining this? It's all there in these posts, if you care to look.
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