Anti vaxers will be feeling smug

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Got FA to do with anything

The covid vaccine has saved millions of lives and it brought an end to all the restrictions
Just think notchy you could have one of those long stringy rubbery clots forming right now.
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Dr John Campbell, is not a medical doctor and he earns his money from his YouTube channel… algorithms generate far more interest for controversial content than from actual scientists talking science.
Why are you attempting to debunk him by attacking his "Dr" status
He taught nurses for 27 years a nurse tutor then a senior lecturer has a science degree in biology and a master's degree in health science a research degree called a doctor of philosophy degree and so on, not to mention the text books he has written and supplies for free, involved in African charities to inprove health - he is not a tin foil anti vaxer more people should listen to his vids and enlighten themselves.
Here is his intro vid, he was a big advocate for the vax at the time- look at his poster in the background but since new research and evidence has come to light he has changed his views
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It seems steve Wright was found dead "died suddenly" was eligible for all the boosters cause of his age.
not another onere.JPG
They are caused by the virus not the vaccine
Show us your proof then'
And if so why are the Gov not using this to get people to take the vax. And if so why is this not a massive news story and if so why arnt there millions of £ being pored into research ito this.
Nothing is being mentioned in the MSM about this new Phenomenon, looking at the vids it seems like the spike protein production that was supposed to be local and targeted is running rampant throughout the whole body.
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Why are you attempting to debunk him by attacking his "Dr" status
All he is a guy who did a Phd

When most people a person with a title, they think it’s a Dr of medicine

- he is not a tin foil anti vaxer
This video on white blood clots proves he his a tin foil conspiracist.

It’s a video deliberately designed to appeal to conspiracists:

1) the interview was simply opinion and anecdotal evidence

2) “Dr” John Campbell makes no attempt to do any critical analysis of the available data on this, there’s no attempt to verify the efficacy of such data, it’s literally just pub talk.

3) the video contains lots of opinions inferring a connection with the vaccine, but there’s no attempt to find causation.

I welcome research on this, if the vaccine is causing problems we need to find out…..but we won’t find it in sensationalist videos by Dr John Campbell whose YouTube channel is his source of income, it’s his job so he has a vested interest in producing videos which will get him the biggest audience….and boring facts abd science don’t do that, conspiracy theories meanwhile do
The covid vaccine has saved millions of lives and it brought an end to all the restrictions
What brought an end to restrictions in this country was the Gov worried that the public would not stand for them any much longer and the gov hid behind the vax to relax restrictions. Same as what they did with masks they were so successful in terrifying the Cr&* out of people to get them to stay at home that they then faced a problem of how to get them back to work so they said wearing a mask would protect you. Also the fact the virus mutated into a much milder version.
I welcome research on this, if the vaccine is causing problems we need to find out
WOW is this the first admission from you that you believe the vax is causing deaths.
I welcome research on this, if the vaccine is causing problems we need to find out…..
How do you propose that's going to happen when the government are not even interested in opening up an enquiry into all the excess deaths.
Show us your proof then'
I can’t, I was making a point: if Dr Campbell hasn’t ruled out other causes: ie like it’s due to the virus, he can’t attribute the cause to the vaccine.

There’s plenty of evidence covid causes blood clots, it’s a nasty virus that interacts with our bodies in all sorts of unusual ways.

WOW is this the first admission from you that you believe the vax is causing deaths.
Don’t be silly, I have stated many times on here the vaccine has caused some death and some side effects.

What counts is context.

Vaccine: saved millions
Vaccine: caused death of a tiny number of people

What’s funny is people like you never question any other medicine you might take and they all have side effects, many are serious. No it’s just the covid vaccine you question.
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