Anyone had the snip?

22 Sep 2005
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Preston, Lancashire
United Kingdom
Just a few questions:
How painful is it afterwards and for how long?
How long before you can.....erm....use it again?
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I had it done a few years ago and was in unbearable agony for 14 months and couldn't have sex for 3 years.

Only kidding. I could hardly tell it had been done, honestly it was amazing how unnoticeable it was and all systems were fully functioning immediately.
gcol said:
Just a few questions:
How painful is it afterwards and for how long?
How long before you can.....erm....use it again?

Haven't had it done, but seen a lot when I worked in theatres (of the hospital kind, as I don't quite think this would make great viewing in the West End).

It is a pretty quick op, and quite often done under a local anaesthetic (or at least in the area I live it was), so you can sit up an watch what is happening - just ensure you think of 'mother-in-law', etc if you spot a 'tasty' nurse in the theatre or you might embarrass yourself :oops: :LOL: :LOL:

PS Quite an informative site here: - even includes a vasectomy chatroom :eek:
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I too had it done years ago, I didnt find it painful, just felt them tugging snipping etc I was a window cleaner at the time i was back up the ladder a coupe of days later
Unfortunately it's variable, ranging from almost completely painless, to Dante's inferno, it depends on the amout of subsequent swelling and bruising. You can't "use it" again (unprotected), until you have give a sample after 1 week, and another after one month (I think) I'm sure that link given will have the detailed info. Best of luck (jaffa to be!!)
What about all the mistakes :LOL:

I have heard of people losing all sensation in that area :LOL:

One man had to have his todger amputated after an infection :LOL:

What about the flesh eating bug :LOL:

And your willy starts to shrink aswell :LOL:

Come on post em here, lets get the poor bloke pooing himself :LOL:




absolute minor discomfort... really.
no need to even have time off work, just the day.
Brightness said:
gcol at least they use anaesthetic these days - I hear it used to be two bricks and a rusty knife ;) :LOL:

Painful ... Unless you keep the thumbs on top of course ..

One could go high tech?


But then again ..... "Mmmmm, hey nurse it feels good so far..... "


:D :D :D
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