The Snip? advice needed

My mate a real toughy, was telling me all about his afternoon snip while we were playing Badminton that evening. He said he felt fine. It was a different story when I spoke to him a couple of days later though. He said the bag was swollen and inflamed by the morning. I thought silly :(
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Got done at 5pm friday performed with the mrs at 1pm on the saturday and played 5 a side on the sunday morning ( that was why i had to perform on the saturday to prove i was ok to play). Went to work on the monday.
No bruising or swelling at al (But he had a lot to work with )

But as has been said the injection into the boll#x was a sore one .

As a mate said one of his swelled to the size of an orange and the other was a big bassa :LOL:
Yeah, I've had it done, at this place:

It was carried out in the doctor's surgery. I walked in and asked the doc what the smell of pork chops was.

"Oh, just the last guy's vas deferens being dessicated," he replied.

The most painful bit were the injections. One to my left side and three to my right. I should have needed one to each, but the right needed more anaesthetic.

Then the doc used the kit** to blast my tubes to the skies.

It wore off quite quick, so I needed a few good painkilers, but I would recommend this method as it is less disruptive.

**The Kit:

Called a hyfrecator:

Here's my original thread : //

Here's gcol's: //

NSV link:

EDIT: it would appear reading my original story that I got my sides mixed up...

HOGGY: you going here?

Or maybe this one?
I can't believe that people talk so candidly about this, on a public forum, when my closest mates would never consider discussing this in a million years. Proves how sensitive men are really, beyond the bravado. :p
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Had this type of discussion with various mates many times over the years, often while their wives were present.
No point in burying your head in the sand when it comes to talking about sexual matters in an adult manner. It all comes down to how comfortable you are with your mates.
I had mine done by the local GP, as part of a trial.

Had to lay down on a table, looking up at a Simpsons poster above my head (the one with all the Springfield characters on, to give you something to think about) with the male GP and three female helpers there to talk about X-Factor with each other and put me at my ease.

Went OK, but they had some difficulty finding the left-hand pipe, which meant the anaesthetic had worn off by the time they came to cauterise it. I probably couldn't do a higher standing jump than the one I did then....

No problems at all afterwards. You need about 13 flushings of the pipes afterwards to clear all the old stuff out of your system which, being a married man, takes quite some time.
I can't believe that people talk so candidly about this, on a public forum, when my closest mates would never consider discussing this in a million years. Proves how sensitive men are really, beyond the bravado. :p

I had it done 12 years ago, in and out in ten minutes, the surgeon even showed me a section of the vas deferens that he cut out, pointing out that it was slightly 'furred up' (as he liked to put it!) and asked if I had any difficulties at childbirth with my man berries, which I did have :eek:
My mate wants to have it done, but deep down thinks it may turn him gay or something!! Essentially, it's 10 minutes of slight pain.................. unless you're my other mate who had to have the op done twice!! Not a happy bunny..... :LOL:
I met my Doctor in the local DIY store about 20 mins before my appointment to discuss the snip. We arranged the hospital visit there and then. No counselling. I drove 14 miles to hospital, whereupon they asked how I was getting home. Fuss about doing the job without pre-med, or driving after a pre-med. I just told them to get on with it. It was fascinating watching - after being shaved by a woman! Drove home with no problems in my automatic [no, the car, you fool!]. No pain at all, just a bit of discomfort.

This was several decades ago, and several hundred miles away. Haven't used a condom for nearly forty years. They were 3/9d for three when I started.
From the barber? "A little something for the weekend, Sir?" :p
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