Anyone in favour of Nationalisation of utilities?

Care to tell us how that could work in practice?

Kick 'em out, Colonel Nasser-style, and throw in a bit of compulsory purchase money. As to who will run the newly nationalised companies, when I said not the government, I meant not the current government, or any recent ones in fact. There's no reason why a government cannot operate an industry, just as there's no reason why a private, shareholder business cannot operate it. It's about finding the one that's most fair and efficient.
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The good old days of the CEGB! I think not! They were a mill stone round the neck, escalating costs, increasing numbers of employees and strikes at the drop of a hat.

Having said that its obscene that the boss of Thames Water gets a bonus of £2.4 million.

The big shareholders, pension funds etc needs to step in to limit bonuses paid to those who are failing their paying customers and the public whilst creating environmental damage pumping raw sewage into our seas and rivers. The government seem to have rolled over on this one for the last 30 years!
The good old days of the CEGB! I think not! They were a mill stone round the neck, escalating costs, increasing numbers of employees and strikes at the drop of a hat.
Which country were you living in, The CEGB is British so can't be here.
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It would appear our train companies are owned or part-owned by EU train companies, so when ours make a profit, it makes their services more affordable. for them.

Maybe part of the reason I read yesterday that our train fares are the second most expensive in Europe - after Germany. Eg. France's fares are half ours.
I might be marginally less upset with the cost of a train ticket if the service was good......
They will all have debt as well.
Of course. Because the greedy grasping company that runs it has greedy grasping people on the board that will make sure they take as much money with them as they possibly can.
The good old days of the CEGB! I think not! They were a mill stone round the neck, escalating costs, increasing numbers of employees and strikes at the drop of a hat.

I spent a bit of time working for a company, which worked for the CEGB. The company had to insist I joined the union, or I could not have got onto CEGB property to work. The only time I ever joined a union.
They will all have debt as well.

it's worth noting that:

when the water compasnies were privatised, they had no debt and healthy amounts of cash reserves

the money the water companies have borrowed since privatisation is less than the money they have handed over to the owners in dividends. this means that the company had more than enough money to pay its expenses and invest in development and renewal, but chose to give the money to the owners instead.

in some cases, they borrowed money from the overseas owners, or associated companies

the interest rates they are paying are quite high
(see line above)

interest paid is a tax-deductible expense which also reduces the headline profit figure for the water co.
furthermore, it is treated as a business expense and is charged to the customers. so borrowing money to pay dividends to the owners, justifies increasing the customer charges. One view is that this is an undesirable and pernicious rule.

a government can borrow money at much lower interest rates (until recently, at rates which were effectively negative, since they were less than inflation). so if a government nationalised a company and took over its debts, the cost of servicing those debts would be greatly reduced.

one view is that when a company is nationalised, it is fair to pay the value of the company (i.e. the value of its assets less the value of its liabilities, such as high-interest loans). If that is done, then the value of water companies is surprisingly low.
Question - how do you establish a competent, independent, apolitical, incorruptible overseer? Guided by hmg policies but not appointed direectly by hmg. ?
It would need judicial oversight.
Should never have been privatised in the first place. Corrupt government then, and even worse now.
Yes. Only of they do it not for profit though. The Tories will do it only to somehow make them richer though.
Yes. Only of they do it not for profit though. The Tories will do it only to somehow make them richer though.

Whoa hang on, if it's bad for 'foreign' companies to buy into UK utilities, surely it must be good for Brits to buy in. Nothing wrong with profits, I work for a profit as I'm sure you do.

'Obscene profits' are a different kettle of fish of course, I think we've all had enough of seeing those.
I've decided to begin a sit-down protest 'til something's done about the waste by Water companies...

Whoa hang on, if it's bad for 'foreign' companies to buy into UK utilities, surely it must be good for Brits to buy in. Nothing wrong with profits, I work for a profit as I'm sure you do.
So one company buys another. Who owns them can be a tricky aspect to discover. Water is popular with hedge funds.
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