Apprentice Plumber/Mate available in Surrey

You know what, I feel really sorry for the unemployed 18-24 YO kids in this country. Successive Governments have let them down, with their immigration policies & cowboy short courses. We now have a lost generation. Most have no practical skills, they never had to fix a bike, they either got a new one or had their head stuck on computer games!!
Its all very well blaming the government but I first blame the youths themselves and next the employers and last the government.

First, youths mostly dont take an interest in education or learning practical skills. They like to hang about on street corners, in front of TV or the computer.

Second, employers take on a trained and experienced people, Polish if need be and ignore the younger people who need a starter job to gain experience. They put short term profit before the countries longer term interests. The same with moving production to cheap overseas countries!

Third, the Government has little input to to both of the above! Their policies have only a minor effect.

What the governments could have done was to:-

Encourage employment of UK nationals ( but thats not allowed by the EU ).

Encourage kids staying in full term study, they do do that quite well.

Subsidise employers taking on less experienced people. Tax breaks?

Subsidise training. Tax breaks?

Reduce payments to scroungers and non workers!

Instead Governments have sought to maximise short term tax takes instead of promoting long term growth.

But at the end of the day its the kids themselves who have mostly short changed themselves by not taking training and experience and instead wanting the laziest life with the maximum income.

The army is now so specialised and highly trained that Nat service is no longer an alternative for the layabouts.

sorry agile but their no training courses, or apprentship for the youth of today. Becuase you can import cheap labour from the eu, labour party to thank for that. So that the govment fault, also their no money to properly intice empolyers to take on youth of today, labour faults again. Also their has been less and less dispilin in schools, and falling standards. Have guess who charge of them as well agile, yes that right the govement.

So the problem of this genration coming into employment or lack of it is labours fault, not theirs.
in my humble opion
What about their parents Tony, have they not also failed these kids??
Mummy & Daddy, still want little Johnny or Jane to go to Uni. And the teachers etc think it's all the daft laddies that will get a trade??!! Training companies are making a fortune from these kids on daft short courses and they're all government funded. There's no jobs & no hope for these kids, very very sad.
You don't need any help. Just get a van and put plumbing on the side you are up and running.
21% of 16-24 year old unemployed. Things were bad when I hit the jobs market in the mid 80s, but not that bad for young people wanting their first job.

Back then I didn't have to compete with half of Poland for work. It's the politicians that have loused it up.

Couldn't agree more.
Just waiting at the moment then I'm out of this country.
This country is going to the dogs.
I thought that it was more than 21%.

To be honest I dont so greatly blame parents. I think most want the best for their kids but get no respect, shouting at them, spitting at them and out at any hours rioting or just hanging about.

Teachers rarely have any experience of any careers which are not graduate related. So they can only promote a uni start to life. Thats fine for bright people but many others are better suited to a hands on approach.

I have to say if I was an employer faced with the unqualified youth of today then i would probably go for the older Polish as they are far more respectful and keen on keeping their jobs.

Once I did a repair for a single mother's landlord. She was the third generation of single mothers whom had never worked. She was rude and disrespectful but her mother was nice! So was another I remember.

Where are you?

How far are you willing to travel? I would be very suspicious of training anyone very close any more.

What do you live on at the moment?

What GCSEs, "A" levels, degrees etc do you have?

I live in chessington surrey, i am more than happy to travel as much as i need to. my GCSEs arnt to great but i have
Information and Computer Technology D
Mathematics D
Music D

i know that there not much but as i have grown up i have realized that plumbing is where i want to be, i understand that the industry is really hard to get into but im determined to get a job not for the money but for the passion i have for plumbing and getting my hands dirty.

Thank you Toni for responding to my messages without putting people down for wanting to learn i really appreciate it

Wanting to learn is very commendable.

However, without better GCSEs you would often struggle to get jobs with larger employers for whom three GCSEs are normally a minimum. Thats not a lot to ask for when 51% get at least three at grades A-C.

Others will disagree with me, but I would be suggesting that you should be concentrating on the more practically skilled aspects like bathrooms and tiling rather than gas and boilers where a good scientific background is in my view very important.

For anyone reading who is still at school, this post demonstrates the importance of concentrating on achieving a good range of GCSEs at mostly "A" grades.

I do disagree with you agile, but at end day it`s upto you what you want in your apprentice. Also if i ever was to employ some (UNLIKLY) yes gcse would possibly play a desiding factor
Remember John Major only had three "O" levels.

But "O" levels were far harder than GCSEs.

Whatever else he did not do, remember that it was him who spearheaded changing all the tech colleges into universities!

I doubt anyone would get a job as a PM without a degree now. In fact they also seem to have to go to Eaton and Oxford as well.
I live in chessington surrey, i am more than happy to travel as much as i need to. my GCSEs arnt to great but i have
Information and Computer Technology D
Mathematics D
Music D

i know that there not much but as i have grown up i have realized that plumbing is where i want to be, i understand that the industry is really hard to get into but im determined to get a job not for the money but for the passion i have for plumbing and getting my hands dirty.

Thank you Toni for responding to my messages without putting people down for wanting to learn i really appreciate it


I'm not getting at Joe personally, or trying to put him down, but his post demonstrates clearly part of the problem. Joe has 3 GCSEs, but his spelling punctuation and grammar leave a lot to be desired.

The education system seems intent on chucking out people with as many bits of paper as possible, but with basic skills that will put them at the back of the employment queue. Or, for that fact, at the front of the dole queue. School buildings are being replaced with shiny new ones, but teaching seems to concentrate on self expression rather than real skills needed in the world of work. Poor people growing up in the 1930s depression left school with a better quality of education.

I wish you luck Joe, but the politicians have perpetrated a massive con. Current and future generations of young people will pay the price. So will the UK.

(Really hope my spelling is OK! ;) )
No disrespect to Joe, I'm sure he's a very practical young man, willing to learn & will I hope get his wish.
Plain fact is; if you employ kids fresh out of Skool with a certain education level, you can shape & mould them into good tradesmen. Apprentices learn first hand from a journeyman, where would you get such one-to-one teaching............Certainly not on these mickey mouse courses.

The Skools today are cr.p, the teachers are overpaid & workshy.
I'm not getting at Joe personally, or trying to put him down, but his post demonstrates clearly part of the problem. Joe has 3 GCSEs, but his spelling punctuation and grammar leave a lot to be desired.
Joe, your writing will seem instantly better if you remember to use a capital letter when you write "I" ;)

As Whitespirit66 has pointed out, this kind of little thing is noticed by a lot of people, and first impressions often count when looking for work.

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