Arabs take over London

I'm really gobsmacked at these posts, especially those from posters like Space Cat and Dextranous who I thought had some intelligence.
It's the sort of posts that I expect from the rest of the klan; my neighbour's friend's bother tells me that......................

It's called "Urban Mythology" and you're spreading it like it was going out of fashion.

Try a little forethought (not tenderness as per Jimmy Campbell et al , although a little of that wouldn't go amiss)

Where do you think racial tension and even racial violence begins?
It could begin with a harmless joke which some find distasteful, then there's the feeling of distrust, followed by some urban myths, then we'd have a little abuse being thown between the groups, descending into serious abuse and insults. Then some idiot urges others to throw something, then violence breaks out. Not the all-out civil war that Space Cat mentioned, (maybe he was being sarcastic, ironic or facetious, I'd like to think so.) just sporadic incidents of violence that we've already experienced. There's always some numpties that want to push the boundaries of racial tensions. I begining to realise that some of them post on this forum.

You members of the klan are well down the route of spreading urban myths and mild abuse.

I can hear you all saying "We wouldn't descend into violence". Well maybe not, but you're quite happy to gently push the tension along that route. It's called inciting racial hatred. At least one of you professes to be a teacher, I assume in a multi-ethnic school. (How do you think your employers would react to you opinions?) Another professes to be a retired teacher (although just 61, one wonders whether he jumped or was pushed, judging by his attitude).

Under the Law of the United Kingdom, "incitement to racial hatred" was established as an offence by the provisions of §§ 17-29 of the Public Order Act 1986. It was first established as a criminal offence in the Race Relations Act 1976. The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 made publication of material that incited racial hatred an arrestable offence.

This offence refers to:

deliberately provoking hatred of a racial group
distributing racist material to the public
making inflammatory public speeches
creating racist websites on the Internet
inciting inflammatory rumours about an individual or an ethnic group, for the purpose of spreading racial discontent

Shame on you all!

BTW, next time any of you want to criticise others for breaking the law, just remember that you'll happily and eagerly do the same under the cloak of anonymity (oops, unintended pun! :LOL: )
Maybe these forums are the successor of the KKK who used a cloak of anonymity to spread their racial hatred.
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RogueHanger..My story is real, I know because I was there.... I have lived in a Muslim country and when I decided that their ways didn't suit me then I left..

I'm not British but the Brits are famous for their cutting black humour and so for you to attempt to dictate to them what they can and cannot say shows you to be a joke....If I found their humour to be offensive then I would leave for a country where their humour suited me....

It takes a certain kind of person to start quoting legislation because they have been offended....
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RogueHanger..My story is real, I know because I was there.... I have lived in a Muslim country and when I decided that their ways didn't suit me then I left..
Well, we only have your word for that, and judging by your outlook on life it's not worth a lot.
Do you start telling us about how buddhists use money, or how catholics use contraceptives, or how protestants have a quiet spot of alcohol, or how many Jehovah Witnesses participate in Xmas, etc? Or how many are involved compared to the rest of the "congregation"?
No, but you can't wait to spread some urban myth about muslims and alcohol. :rolleyes:
There's all sorts in any religion, some devout, some not so. Some just hang around on the sidelines of a religion for their own personal reasons. Some dive right in and want to take a very active part. You can't judge the whole religion on the behaviour of a few, nor the whole congregation.
But you won't see that because it doesn't help you to reinforce your biases.

I'm not British but the Brits are famous for their cutting black humour and so for you to attempt to dictate to them what they can and cannot say shows you to be a joke....If I found their humour to be offensive then I would leave for a country where their humour suited me....
It's not me that dictates what people can or can't say. it's the law of the land. Or are you one of those that only recognise the laws that you like?

It takes a certain kind of person to start quoting legislation because they have been offended....
It takes a certain type of person to ignore legislation for their own perverted ideology and then hide behind their cloaks to spread their vile and distorted views. :evil:
If you really believe in what you say, why not come out from under your cloak. Stand up and speak out in public. Lets see how long you last.
He won't (sorry, Joe, I nicked your line)
"Incitement to racial hatred"

What about the likes of ******** like Anjem Choudary who are never prosecuted for inciting racial hatred?

I could give you a few from my own community here in the province also.
Like many laws it cherry picked when it suits the political agenda off the day.
Corgi, don't feed the troll.

If we all ignore him, he might go away.

Sorry about that JBR... I only pop in here now and again to find out who the new Monkeys rectum on the block is......
Corgi, don't feed the troll.

If we all ignore him, he might go away.

Sorry about that JBR... I only pop in here now and again to find out who the new Monkeys rectum on the block is......

Please, don't apologise to me.

The things is that he and his type like to make a habit of ****-stirring and infantile name-calling and enjoy watching people's reactions. Personally, I have better things to do than to waste my time reading his posts, but some people rise to the bait which only serves to encourage him further.

I suppose, though, that if some people enjoy doing that they are perfectly entitled to do so on this forum.

As you point out above, 'Confirmation Bias' is a very powerful cognitive bias that explains most pro bigotry arguments.
Ever wish you'd never started something? :( :( :(

For the benefit of anyone who hasn't worked it out, I wasn't having a go at Arabs. I only chose them because they have two things:

(a) A culture that's different to ours.

(b) Loads of money.

To make sense of my original post, you have to read it from a Ukrainian perspective. ;) ;) ;)
I got your original post and enjoyed it Cat...

My other half is from Ukraine and we have both Ukrainian and Russian friends over there but recently we have both needed to be as diplomatic as the UN.....Something that is not a natural thing for me to be.....

Crimea is a smegging mess, it did used to be part of Russia and the bulk of the people there are of Russian decent but the indiginous people of the Crimea are the Tatars who are fearful of the Russians due to what Stalin did to them.....Ukraine isn't militarily strong enough to hold on to Crimea and other than it being a huge Naval port has no use or value...It doesn't even have its own fresh water supply..... yet many have died over the peninsula.....Try explaining to a Ukrainan that it may be best to let Crimea go and concentrate building their economy (They have the resources to be very wealthy if they organised themselves) Or that the EU may not be the best way for them.....Similarly try explaining to a Russian that the way that they went about reclaiming Crimea was about as bad as they could have done it and that they may well expect increased terrorist threats from the muslim Tatars....
What about the likes of rag heads like Anjem Choudary who are never prosecuted for inciting racial hatred?
Why throw in the case of a British Citizen, of Pakastani descent?
Oh, yes, of course, he's Muslim. :rolleyes: Confirmation bias.
I agree that he's a thououghly dispicable fellow but there are some similarities between him and some posters on here.

Just taking a few examples of reports of Anjem Choudary:
He is a critic of the UK's involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Hey, he's not the only one!

When asked why, if society was so bad, he lived here, he replied: "We come here to civilise people, get them to come out of the darkness and injustice into the beauty of Islam."
Typical response fom christian missionaries, just change the religion.(Still preached and believed by some posters.)

Choudary strongly believes in the primacy of Islam over all other faiths
Typical of devout religious followers of all disciplines. (and again preached by other posters.)

David Cameron said that Choudary "is one of those people who needs to be looked at seriously in terms of the legality of what he's saying because he strays, I think, extremely close to the line of encouraging hatred, extremism and violence."
Very much akin to the posters on this forum, then.

Islam4UK and its leader Anjem Choudary do not represent or speak for Islam or British Muslims but are a "platform" for the extremist movement al-Muhajiroun. There is no room for such kind of people or their organisations in our community or the peaceful religion of Islam.
Dr Waqar Azmi OBE of the British Muslim Forum[59]
So, he's a radical. There's plenty of them in all religions. Some of them on these foums.

Actually he has been prosecuted:
........marched in protest at the Jyllands-Posten cartoons controversy, following which he was prosecuted for organising an unlawful demonstration.
He was arrested again on 4 May at Stansted Airport for an alleged breach of bail, and charged with organising the protest without notifying police. He was bailed to appear before Bow Street Magistrates Court on 11 May.[41] On 4 July 2006 he was convicted and fined £500 with £300 court costs.

I could give you a few from my own community here in the province also.
Like many laws it cherry picked when it suits the political agenda off the day.
I recognise the difficulties you've experienced in Ireland/NI. I cannot begin to empathise because I've been fotunate enough not to have experienced anything similar.
However, you, more than most on here ought to appreciate that driving a wedge between various faiths and cultures can only bring about further problems.
FYI, there's an excellent discussion relevant to Ireland about the role that literature plays in writing/re-writing historical records in a book called Liberalism, Imperialism and the Histoical Imagination. Theodore Koditschek. (Touched on also in the Enid Blyton thread). It's very heavy reading, but maybe worth a look for those interested.
.. I only pop in here now and again to find out who the new Monkeys rectum on the block is......
What a peculiar interest you have. :LOL: :LOL:
I do hope that it's simply an interest and not an obsession with bottoms. :LOL: :LOL:
Don't worry, though, if it is an obsession. A lot of children go though similar obsessions but they grow out of it. I hope that you have experienced and understanding parents who will not over-react to your obsession.

If you don't grow out of it, perhaps your parents will seek some expert guidance. :LOL: :LOL:

OMG, I sound like an agony aunt. :eek:
Personally, I have better things to do than to waste my time reading his posts,

But you can't resist it can you. :LOL: :LOL:
You could try some counter-argument, rather than "infantile name calling".

Oh, sorry, you don't have any counter-arguments. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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