To what do either of you attribute the ability to 'be good at English'?
Is it intelligence, cleverness (there is a difference), caring, liking, logic, something else or is it 'just one of those things?
Obviously "being good at English" may conjure up several different perspectives on what being good at English actually means.
My interpretation is a generalisation of making reasonable efforts in spelling, grammar, logic and succinctness to be able to communicate a point effectively (more often than not)
It also (I believe) means listening/reading and comprehension with at least as much effort.
I don't think perfection is required in any one of the facets that I mention above but I do think it requires ( from time to time) some effort in imagining yourself being the recipient of our own "message" and evaluating any feedback.
If I had to nail it down to one of the things that you mentioned (I know you are not asking to have it nailed down to just one) I would have to nominate "caring" which I think is a universal trait required for any amount of sustainable success in anything.