Asda won't lose any money as they will automatically debit the cost ( plus maybe an agreed amount for handling costs) to the manufacturer.
As stated, they will then sell pallets of mixed returned goods to specialist traders who buy them sight unseen as a kind of lucky dip to re-sell through whatever channels they have.
Obviously these traders don't pay a lot for their lucky dip.
As I have said, NO manufacturer in the world will buy faulty goods back for the same money they sell it for (let alone MORE money like you are claiming) unless it was a manufacturing error.
Have you read the comments of the ex asda worker above?
I'm not an ex-Asda worker, I was repairing their servers, for a 3rd party company...
Just happened that I worked in Asda, Sainsbury, Aldi, M&S; IF you return any goods, then customer services will replace or refund, no test of the equipment.
ANY electrical equipment is killed, crushed, NOT resold, demolished. And sent to the tip.
I can only imagine that big supermarkets have a say 10% returns on items damaged in transit or returned, and knock that off the next batch purchase price, rather than the hassle of logging everything, testing, describing the fault, then cost of shipping back to be repaired, then repair cost, instock, then shipping back out as a seconds.
When I worked in a charity shop, many items came in, unopened, or with price tags attached, presumably returns, so either stolen recovered, or returns, and we had to remove wrapping/tags, steam, price up, and sell, so a brand new shirt @ £40, now costs £2.50. Never worn. You lot wanna get with the game, and visit some charity shops, and hunt this stuff down! All my gear is designer!