Arise Sir Nigel

Should Nigel Farage get a Knighthood?

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will write you a long list when i have time.dont hold your will go blue.
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Poor old UKIP. Poor old plumbers. What are they going to do.
sorry bud.lost your train of more a brexit/may type of chap but i do quite admire nigel for his large gonads!
Yes it is isn't it. And now the fun part begins. Goodbye EU - hello.........?
Can anyone tell me why we are not partying in the streets and why is everyone so nervous?

Of course everyone is nervous. This is a major divorce from a relationship which has existed for over 40yrs. But those who voted for Brexit are also excited at the opportunities of being single again.

Many holiday goers are nervous fliers, but tolerate their short term fears knowing they will enjoy the experience when they land the other side.
In my opinion Brexit is going to be a turbulent 2-4 years, after which we will be the envy of those countries still in the EU (if it still exists).
Can anyone tell me why we are not partying in the streets and why is everyone so nervous?

Same reason this country is shafted with personal debt for showy tat, bought to impress people they don't know; too many can currently have what they can't afford, and want to keep it that way. Ditto for our friends across La Manche.
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