Arranged marriage?

25 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I've often thought, there might be something in it.

If so many marriages end in divorce anyway, choice of partner might as well be arbitrary! :LOL: You might as well just have a wife allocated by the government at random!

Can't imagine it becoming popular though...
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Might as well, this government can't do anything else :LOL:
A couple of my greek friends (who I went to school with) had formal 'introductions' to potential partners via sources within their family or community
If they liked each other after the first meeting and all the stuff re what the woman would bring to the marriage was agreed ie property, money etc was sorted out then they would go onto a formal engagement and later a marriage............wouldn't be acceptable for me personally but it has appeared to work for them.
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Well around my way ...
these strict asian muslim lads I know who are in arranged marriages , are very happy , OH YES !!!! :)
most have white girlfriends that the lil lady at home knows nothing about , funniest thing is some come in my local an all like a drink or two , but when that mosque is a calling its like watching a zombie film as they go traipsing off , asian fellas all roaming there
on a darker point ..
what you dont hear about is the wife beating /punishments when the lil asian housewife has upset hubby ... :(
I know an Indian guy in an arranged marriage and the way he tells it, many UK couples get married on the basis of just having got off with some stranger when drunk and then sticking with it, so on that basis, they don't sound such a bad idea..........
Moz said:
Well around my way ...
these strict asian muslim lads I know who are in arranged marriages , are very happy , OH YES !!!! :)
most have white girlfriends that the lil lady at home knows nothing about , funniest thing is some come in my local an all like a drink or two , but when that mosque is a calling its like watching a zombie film as they go traipsing off , asian fellas all roaming there
on a darker point ..
what you dont hear about is the wife beating /punishments when the lil asian housewife has upset hubby ... :(

In some cultures, a woman will be killed by a member of her own family if she decides she doesn't fancy who she has been introduced to. She doesn't fancy him, so she has brought down the honour of her family an disgraced the suitor's family. So her Dad or Uncle or brother will set fire to her in the kitchen. It's a "cooking accident" you see.

Do you remember that woman in Pakistan who declined an offer of marriage? The suitor's ego had been dented. She had bought shame upon her community. Her punishment was to get gang-raped by members of her own community.
Well obviously that sort of "honour murders" and what have you are totally unacceptable... Acid throwing and the like.

But as was mentioned, many couples are formed when two drunk strangers meet.

I don't think they'll ever be able to replace good old fashioned love though. :D
a lot of kids will be born out of drink, arranged marriages work my arse, go to any brass gaff (massage parlour) in manchester and youve got more chance of getting a mini cab and i mean mostly asian taxi drivers, muslims my arse. :LOL:
jbonding said:
a lot of kids will be born out of drink, arranged marriages work my a**e, go to any brass gaff (massage parlour) in manchester and youve got more chance of getting a mini cab and i mean mostly asian taxi drivers, muslims my a**e. :lol:
You seem to have an expert knowledge of this "fact" was this a freudian slip by yourself by any chance? :LOL: ;)
AdamW said:
I don't think they'll ever be able to replace good old fashioned love though. :D
Make that 'romance' Adam.
Anyway, what's happened to all those gallant suitors ;)? Where has gone the pleasure of 'winning' someone over?
Bring back the good old days of knights in shining armour!
Ah, typical female response :LOL:

Romance is great, and works with someone you are already involved with. However, in anything but small volumes, most women see it as scary!!!
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