Astra Zeneca

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As per Notchy is spouting pure rubbish.

It’s well known that if you died of a heart attack or a bad pizza it was listed as Covid.
Well known? In conspiracy circles maybe?

Or doctors were not recording cause of death correctly of course
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You claimed that because radiation sickness and covid have superficially similar symptoms, in your easily confused brain you thought that proved something.

It did: it proved you lack critical thought.
No I stated a fact. You’ve always struggled with any fact that doesn’t suit your narrative.

Even Denny agreed.

Silly old Notchy
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I think the honorable gentleman he makes a really important point and the answer to that is it's impossible
Why do you think he was asked how many medications go on the market without "long term testing". Also how long is long.
The question could have been phrased how many vaccines have started being used iin numbers without long term testing. Fact is the only really long term testing they get is just how effective they are. So as with covid as number of types as possible are used. I'd say the UK concentrated on the Az type as the cheapest but they did use others. As it turned out others maintained immunity levels for a longer period of time. That along with virus changes have caused brands used to be switched.

LOL Of course in the earlier trial phases they just ask people if they feel ok, They didn't do any other tests at all. Even bigger laugh they have no idea what the body does with RNA. We are hardly exposed to virus at all. That one really is a big laugh.

Latest idea. Spring boosters. If that is for the west midlands only for people 75 or over yet another trial. "Anyway clearly they are offering it for fun" they don't have any real reasons at all. Actually it seems to be country wide
poor gas112 busy digging his own hole

Article here on 8th of Jan saying: “NHS staff to be given vaccine over next few weeks”

The covid wave start in Dec, peaked in early Jan

NHS staff were not vaccinated before the peak of the wave

Maybe gas has the integrity to come back and admit he is wrong….but I doubt it, covid conspiracists are weak cowards

“Alpha variant; the wave peaked in early January 2021”

5 Million doses given by the 21st of jan 2021 prob up near 10 million by the end of Jan yet you said the vaccine WAS NOT available for them in Jan 2021.
And as has been pointed out to say they got long covid from the jan is pure and utter nonsense
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