Asylum Chasers

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Well, it's news to me...but then again i don't read the Mail or watch GBNews either.
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It’s been made illegal in a EU country, I still can’t remember which one. But if we did it that would be a massive step.
Odds thinks illegal immigrants are good for the uk economy.
Odds thinks illegal immigrants are good for the uk economy.

I get the impression the government thinks the same thing too. That's why they let so many legal and illegal migrants in. All the Amazon drivers around here look like the just arrived from The Congo or somewhere similar.

This mass flood will bite them in the end. Buy cheap, get cheap.
How did you get the link then?
I saw the headline on a roundup of the days front page news and decided to look up a video of the story for some info. That's all i got. Like Notch, i can only stand Carole Malone for a very short time. The woman never lets anyone finish a sentence before jumping in with both feet.
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