RENEWABLE ENERGY: What's YOUR main cause for concern?

Nuclear may not be the answer after all , unless you want your children to grow up in a radio active dumping ground.

Thats a really good documentary made by people within the nuclear industry and not by any anti nuclear groups, well worth an hour of your time.

Still here then?

A quote from one of your posts a week ago -

I couldnt care less if they ban me , if you represent the people who use this site as far as i am concerned the whole site is a breeding ground for religious and racial hatred.

I for one wont be using this site anymore.

So, after you threw your toys out of the pram big-time, you decided to swallow your pride, ditch your principles, and spend time with us racists?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :LOL:
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No , I'd just think you were an even bigger idiot than I thought you were.
You couldn't be , could you?
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I wish people would stop ruining their houses by putting these things on them.


I put my paper in the paper bin, my grass in the grass bin and my rubbish in the rubbish bin. Having 3 giant wheeley bins is enough for me thanks.
When you factor in the true carbon footprint of nuclear (fission, dunno about fusion but seeing as it doesn't exist yet its not a solution for today) including building, decommissioning and storage of waste for 1000 years it's really not very clean at all.

What about geothermal?
What about geothermal?

Complete waste of money. Youd be better off burning fivers on the stove. :mrgreen:
Its an area thats awash with salesmen in the UK ripping people off left right and center.
Easy, and I claim the patent on this.
Get all the Sh1te from forums and use that as fuel.....................
joe-90 said:
We've got too many people and resources are dwindling fast.

I won't argue with that. Any passing alien would surely see that the human population on this planet had reached plague proportions. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm not sure about the exact numbers but a solar future could not support an ever-increasing population. With nuclear power, the population explosion could continue until we ran out of some key elements (maybe phosphorous or nitrogen). Of course we could make them from more abundant elements (oxygen, silicon or iron) but this would consume huge amounts of energy. Nuclear processes typically need a million times more energy input than chemical ones.

And so we would end up in the same place with too many people and resources, especially hydrogen, dwindling fast. We would also be living in a planet-wide monolithic city many miles deep. Suddenly, the nuclear future doesn't look so bright. :confused: :confused: :confused:
According to an advert on the TV "The futures bright, The futures Orange." :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
joe-90 said:
We've got too many people and resources are dwindling fast.

I won't argue with that. Any passing alien would surely see that the human population on this planet had reached plague proportions. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm not sure about the exact numbers but a solar future could not support an ever-increasing population. With nuclear power, the population explosion could continue until we ran out of some key elements (maybe phosphorous or nitrogen). Of course we could make them from more abundant elements (oxygen, silicon or iron) but this would consume huge amounts of energy. Nuclear processes typically need a million times more energy input than chemical ones.

And so we would end up in the same place with too many people and resources, especially hydrogen, dwindling fast. We would also be living in a planet-wide monolithic city many miles deep. Suddenly, the nuclear future doesn't look so bright. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Spacecat, you're a small oasis of sense on this GD forum.

The fact is, eventually we will have to move over to renewable energy, when non-renewable resources run out, or the environmental consequences of not doing so become too great to ignore. At this point the economic viewpoint will be neither here nor there.

There will also have to be a population correction at some point, as currently we are, on average, using resources at a rate that far exceeds what is sustainable. This will only get worse as more countries develop economically.

As an aside, when the oil runs out, whilst we can run vehicles on alternative power, what are we going to do without plastic??!
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